Chapter 23: The Holy Blade

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Hey everyone and welcome to Chapter 24! I hope you are excited for this one. May have something that's a little unexpected. But it's something I've been more excited to finally write in my story. Also above is just a little doodle of the Arceus symbol I made. Took me about 10 minutes but I'm kinda proud I did it well. Anyways, onto the chapter!

3rd Person POV:

The two professors were quickly getting onto their boat. Lillie was still unconscious from when they left. Burnet, Rotom and all the other Pokémon were already in the boat.

Kukui carried Lillie into the boat and laid her down. Snowy, Glaceon and Nebby went up to her and sat by her side. Snowy and Glaceon looked very worried and Nebby didn't know what was happening. Yet even Nebby seemed to have some worry in its expression.

Once she was set down, Kukui turned to Rotom. "Rotom, keep an eye on her and the rest for right now," he said.

"You got it," he replied giving a salute.

Kukui ran up to the front of the boat. Lycanroc was already up there with Professor Burnet, whom was starting the boat.

"Are we ready to go?" Kukui asked.

Burnet turned to him and said, "I believe so."

"Alright. Then let's get moving."

He placed to key into the ignition and the engine roared to life.

"So I'm guessing we're both going to the location now?" Burnet asked.

"Well we have no choice at the moment," Kukui answered. "But we are going to surprise some people with our unexpected visit."

Once he said that, the boat rushed out of the dock and out to the crystal waters.



Suddenly the whole battlefield erupted in bright blue electricity. It made contact with the oncoming attacks and stopped them. After a few seconds, the attacks exploded, causing the area to shake and smoke to go everywhere. Some of the windows nearby burst open, throwing glass everywhere.

All of the people and Pokémon covered their eyes. They tried to keep their balance from the powerful air pressure of the blast.

After a few moments, the air pressure stopped. All the dust and smoke had gone away. All the occupants of the area could see again. And they all were confused as well.

"Well, well, well," a mysterious voice said. "Isn't this a dangerous situation?"

"Rai chu," another voice replied.

It came from above them. They all looked at the top of the laboratory and saw two figures. The sun was at their backs so they were clear to them. One of them looked like a boy. The other looked like a large mouse, floating in the air.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Spec asked very annoyed.

"'Thou shall not kill.' Harming and even threatening can or will to killing. The great lord Arceus told us that. And you seem to be ignoring that rule passed on from him since The Beginning."

The figure then jumped down from the roof and landed on the ground. He could be made out more now. He appeared to be a little older than the captains. He had white spiky hair with a red strand and hazel eyes. He was wearing a white suit, covered by a white cloak with gold accents. On the back of it, was a drawn symbol. It appeared to be a golden circle with three circular points in the center of it. It also had two arcs on the side of the circle with four points on them. Those four points had a small green object in each of them. The same symbol was around his neck too. He also seemed to have something long attached to his belt. That some symbol appeared on its hilt.

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