Hello Again

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Laja: It's been 2 years since me and Paris have spoke . We left things a little off the edge after that last night we had together. After we had sex Paris told me that we shouldn't see each other anymore, then she just left. I didn't even get a word out , not even a hug or a goodbye. Come to find out the next day she was moving to Virginia. So I'm guessing she wanted to spare my feelings. I wasn't mad at her although I tried to get in contact with her over a thousand times, she never picked up. I just wanted to tell her that I miss her.

Paris: Its been 2 long years since I've spoken to Laja and I hate the way we left off , it wasn't fair to her but I had to leave things as they were and spare her feelings cause I mean .. I'm not that mean. I'm coming back to Nevada soon and I want to meet up with her just to catch up .. ya know , see how she's been cause I have so much to tell her.

Laja: Since me and Paris parted ways I haven't been in a relationship.. well not a serious one . There was no replacing Paris and especially the way she made me feel , inside and out . I just hope one day she will visit and maybe we can pick up where we left off.

*Paris arrives in Nevada, Las Vegas*

Paris: Today is the day I will try and contact Laja ... I just hope she doesn't hate me after ignoring her calls after these past 2 years.

*Paris makes the call*

Laja - "Hello?"

Paris - "Hey Laja Its me .. Paris"

Laja - "Wow, your number changed I see I didn't recognize this one"

Paris - "Yeah a lot of things changed"

Paris - "I want to meet up with you , I'm in Vegas"

Laja - "Oh that's cool , yeah we can meet"

Laja - "How about Deanna's Dinner?"

Paris - "Sounds uh .. great"

Laja - "Meet up @6?"

Paris - "Yeah just let me get settled in , I'll be there"

*Call Ends*

Laja: My heart skipped a beat. Omg I'm so excited to see her. I knew my right eye wasn't jumping for nothing. This may be the chance for me and her to have that spark again. I can't lie .. I still love her, I never stopped , not for a second.

Paris: I can't wait to see her and catch up. It's gonna be nice to reconnect with a old friend.

*Next Day*

Laja: Today is the day I try to get the love of my life back. So that of course means I have to look good as fuck. I went out and bought new shoes, an outfit and I got a fresh shape up. She really gon want me back now like ... who don't want none of this!

Paris: Today is the day I meet Laja after 2 years and I rarely remember what she look like. I bet she hasn't changed a bit. Welp, here goes nothing.

*Its Time*

Laja: I got here early like real early , were supposed to meet up  at 6 and it's 4:30. That's not too early right? I mean after all this time it's worth the wait ... especially for her.

Paris: I finally arrive at Deanna's Dinner and I don't see her . I'm scared .. what if she didn't come , what if she doesn't want to see me. But then I get this tap on my shoulder and turn around and it's her . I don't even say a word , she talking but I tune her out and everything is just in slow motion with music playing in the background... I look her up and down ... and she looks so damn good. I hesitate to bite my lip cause I don't wanna seem vulnerable, so I don't. Then outta no where everything went back to reality.

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