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"She believed she could & She did."

"Soph, do you know what time is it?" I mumble as I open my door to my room of my apartment. I only come here when I needed to get away   or if I wanted some privacy away from my brother. Especially when I was with Soph. But tonight we had no plans, so I planned to just sleep. So when my little witchy lover comes knocking, it was quite a surprise.

She answers me by smashing her lips onto mine. My eyes open wide at the sudden contact, but I kiss her back anyways. Sophie Deveraux pushes me into my apartment, kicks the door to close and starts feeling up my white tanktop. She kisses me again before pulling away, breathless. "Hey. Sorry. I just had a bad day and just got away. I needed to see you, Willa." Sophie looks at me. "I just woke you up, didn't I? Shit, I'm such a shitty girlfriend." She closes her big brown eyes and her hands fall out from under my shirt.

I wrap my arms around her. "Yes I was asleep. But no you are not a shitty girlfriend." I kiss her nose gently. "You are allowed here anytime as long as you are with me. And maybe if you are naked." I wink gently. Earning a scowl from her and a playful slap on the arm. I shake my head. "You said you had a bad day eh? Can I do anything to change it? Or would you like talk about it, Soph?" I look into her gorgeous brown eyes, making sure she doesn't lie to me.

Sophie sighs. "Just kiss me, Willow. I want you to take me to bed and don't let me go until I forget why I came here in the first place."  She puckers out her bottom lip out in a pout. Knowing I can't deny her like that.

I let out a laugh. "Alright, darling." I pick her up, flashing us to the bedroom.

Sophia blows out the breathe she was holding. "I can never get used to that." She squeals and blushes as I drop her onto the bed.

"Now where to begin?" I grin as I crawl on top of her, placing a leg on each side of both her thighs. I lean down and start peppering kisses along her neck. Fabric ripping and falling to the floor echoes through my little apartment. And some animalistic sounds follows as we have our way we each other.

I woke up to the smell of bacon being cooked. The sun was up high in the sky. Marcel had called me about five hundred times since dawn. I pull back on my tanktop and shorts before walking down the small hallway then into the kitchen.

Sophie has her back to me as she is standing over her perfection that is called food. She is in only a t-shirt with her little lace covered butt poking out from the bottom.

I mean against the fridge, watching her for a few seconds. Sophie coughs. "You know I hate you doing that, right? I hate you watching me." She says without turning around.

I cross my arms over my chest. "But I like watching the master at work. You are very sexy when you cook. So focused..." I trail off as I step closer to her. My arms going around her waist. I mean down, kissing her neck. Running my fingers through her long black hair.

"Well I do own a restuarant so I know what I'm..." She leans back into my arms. "You know better to do this. It's distracting. In going to burn the bacon." Sophie mumbles.

I quickly pull away from her. "Don't burn the bacon, or I will have to kill you, Soph." I say as I go to sit at the counter. Sophie just laughs at me while returning to the cooking.

After breakfast and Sophie leaves for work,  I get dressed in some ripped shorts and a red button up top.  I finally decide to make an appearance at home for my brother, Marcel.

"Brother, your dearest Sister is here." I call out to him. I mean against the staircase, waiting for him to come scold me like a child. He always does, even if we are the same age, he was turned two years before I was. 

Marcel appears on the balcony over my head. Wearing a simple green v-neck shirt under a black leather jacket and some dark jeans and his fancy tennis shoes. "I have been calling you all morning. D, says the witches are brewing something." He flashes down to me. Him inches away from me now.

I narrow my eyes at him. "Who?" I watch his demeanor. Marcel starts to grin.

"Jane-Anne, Sophie's sister. She casted something last night. D, can't see what. Jane-Anne was blocking her as she did it." Marcel crosses his arms over his chest as he chuckles. My brother seemed to get a kick out of this.

"You really seem to enjoy shoving shit in my face, brother dearest." I frown as think over what he said. Marcel and I took down the witches when we took Davina Claire from them. And we made it a serious rule that they were not allowed to use magic in the French Quarter anymore unless we say otherwise.  That was one of the many things we set in motion when I became Queen and Marcel, King.

"Willow, you can't say that. You know I love you and I want you to be happy. But Soph knows the rules and she is using her relationship to practice magic right under our noses. Davina can sense them." Marcel pulls me into a hug. "So what you wanna do my Queen?" He kisses my forehead.

"Jane-Anne broke the rules. She must pay the price. Kill her. But you kill her, Marcel." I say, pulling away from him. It saddened me that I would lose Sophie over this. But rules are rules. If I let her break them, then everyone will. And that will make my kingdom will fall. I, Willow Sinclair, will not let that happen.

"Oh and we have a visitor in town." Marcel says as he walks away from me.

"And who would that be?" I ask rather loudly.

Marcel opens the compound gate and the person steps forward. His cheeky grin worn proudly just like it did long ago. His blue eyes stares into mine. "Hello, love." Klaus Mikaelson mutters with a wave of his hand.

I frown slightly, then try to play it off as a smile. "My Father, my mentor, my friend. Long time no see.." I step toward him warily. I hug him, kissing his cheek.

"Willa, it is so wonderful to see you. You look at beautiful as ever. A radiant Queen I am told by Marcel." Klaus smirks. Looking at me.

I nod. "And as Queen I have duties to attend too. Marcel, check in with me later about what we talked about, will you?" I hug Marcel before gesturing to leave. "Again, it was good to see you, Klaus." I say before whooshing away completely.

"Will do, Willa." I hear Marcel reply and Klaus just laughs, it echoes off the compound walls.

As I sit at Rousseau's, nursing a bourbon on ice, I receive the text from Marcel that Jane-Anne is dead and Klaus was asking about her. Little did I know that this was just the beginning.

"To new beginnings, Cami." I toast to my favorite bartender.

***Yay so this is my new fic. It is going to be gay af, just a warning. Rebekah and Willa will be reunited soon enough. What do you think about Willa so far? I have to admit. I ship Sophie and Willa. Like they be relationship goals man. #Solla it hurts that they can't last. Well comment and vote!!! Enjoy lovelies!***

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