Chapter 1

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"You can fake your laughter and smiles, but you can never fake your tears and feelings."

I sat in Rousseau's for what seems like hours. Maybe a whole day passed. I couldnt tell you.  I sat in that stool, waiting for  Sophie to walk in. I needed to see her. I just know that the next time I saw her, it would be the last time I see her as my girlfriend and that made my cold, undead heart hurt.

I clutch my glass tightly, downing another shot of bourbon. This being my fifth bottle of the oldest bourbon, even my vampire body felt the tiniest buzz at the moment. I let out a sigh.

Jane-Anne is dead.

My brown eyes read over the text again from Marcel. I wonder how he did it. No, I know how he did it. He slit her throat so Sophie would suffer from Jane-Anne's appearance. I'm sure of it. I am suddenly cut off from my thoughts when my glass shatters in my hand.

Camille, the blonde bartender comes rushing over. She starts cleaning up the mess I made. "I'm sorry, Cami."

"Accidents happen." Cami smiles at me before finishing up then I watch her take a martini to a customer. She places a napkin down first before serving the drink to the man in the suit. I would recognize that man anywhere. "So what brings you to the Big Easy?" She asks him.

"I used to live here." He answers so ominously.

"Really? When?" Cami tilts her head, she is intrigued. I find comfort in her human ways. It's why I love talking to her.

"Oh it feels like a hundred years ago." I hear him say.

"I just moved here myself. What brought you back?" Cami asks. Yes, she did just move here a few months ago. And Marcel has been slowly trying to court her if you could say that. But I know it won't stick, especially with the Originals in town.

"Well, my brother is here somewhere. And I'm afraid he has gotten himself into a bit of a bind." The suited man says, stirring his martini ever so elegantly. I slowly stand up from my bar stool a few feet away and walk closer to Elijah. 

Just as I am about to announce myself to him, he asks Camille about Jane-Anne and I freeze.  I take a few steps towards the door, keeping my head down. I listen in. So Elijah followed Klaus here after Jane-Anne brought said hybrid here. Oh Sophie, what were you keeping from me? I thought to myself as I exit Rousseau's. I take a walk around the block.

New Orleans 1820

The sun was  high up in the sky shining, even though it was a sad day in the French Quarter. The Governor's son had fallen ill and died.  The Original family  were walking along the back of the procession, showing their support for their dear friend when they passed two slave children on the side of the road back to the Governor's mansion.  The boy being beaten by someone on a horse while the other, the girl tried to block the whip with her small body. Protecting the boy you could say.

Klaus was the one to stop first, his siblings followed him. Rebekah held onto her twin brother, Kase's arm. Knowing that only one of them needed to get involved. And Elijah stayed beside them as well as they all watched Klaus. It angered Klaus how the children were being beaten and so he reached down. Grabbing a rock off the ground, he threw it at the man on the horse. The rock hit him right between the eyes, knocking him dead.  

Klaus steps closer to the kids. They both look up at him, their expressions mixed of fear and gratitude for the man that saved them. Kase shrugs out of Rebekah's hold. He makes sure to walk at a human pace to not scare the children.  Running his fingers through his blonde hair as he joins Klaus in front of them.

"What is your names?" Kase asked. Klaus grunts and frowns as he was going to ask that himself. But Kase beat him to it.

"Don't got one." The boy wraps a protective arm around the girl.  He knew not to trust anyone, even if  the man just saved them. "Our mothers wouldn't name us till we turn ten in case the fever took us."

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