Chapter 7 🔽

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For the past hours, I haven't said a word. Erica pratically been watching me like a hawk. It seems as if everytime I looked up, her eyes were on mines. I knew she wasn't so pleased with me being here, better yet with him.

I looked over and there she was standing there, grinning, pretending to be into a conversation that I know, she didn't care deeply about.

Her eyes wondered to mine, dropping her smile. She rolled her eyes and continued entertaining tha old man in front of her. I gulped and took down my whole drink.

"Cyn, you ok" I turned around and faced her. She had a worried look on her face.

"Yeah" I said softly.

"You sure," she seem concerned. "You haven't said one word since we been here"

"I'm fine Mary"

"Look Mary how bout you step back alright" Stella butted in. Mary scoffed but got up from the leather chair and stormed off.

"I know what's going on, but relax" she insisted

"Whaa you don--

"Cynthia don't you go lying too me" I shook my head and sighed.

"Now I don't know fully much but cyn you gotta get yo shyt together, mentally that is" She said. "I mean all this secret lover shyt has to stop Cyn"

"Its not that easy, come on stella I--

"You gotta a mom thats controlling yo ass a husband that abuse you and yo ass don dump in a pile of love with a drug lord" I scoffed at her remarks and rolled my eyes

Talking to her was pointless. She didn't understand me enough to give feedback on my life. As much as I try to deny it she was right.

"Stella I'm really ain't tryna here nun of that"

"Cyn you can't run from yo--

My eyes traveled to Erica. She was heading over to the smoke-out outside of the building.

When she looked at me, she chuckled and continued to walk off.  I  rose up from my seat and attempted on following her.

"Cyn where you going," he barked at me. He hands were held tightly around my arm. "Um-- tt-- the bathroom" I winced in pain.

"Well hurry back babe" he splurged. He let go of my arm and smacked my ass. I'm pretty sure he was drunk, and thats not so go on my behalf.

"To the bathroom huh" stella snickered.

"Mind yo businesses" I glared at her and walked off, going out back.

Soon as I got outside, I was slammed to the brick wall. Her hands gripped my neck, her eyes were darken.

"What tha fuck is you doing here with him" she said sternly.

I looked at her hand then up at her. I think she got the picture and let go of me. She started pacing back and fourth, shaking her head.

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