Chapter 32 🔽

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Beauté déguisée cafe
Erica's Pov
11:23 am

"St-Stop! It hurts" I cried out.

He kept going and going, driving me insane. I should kill him off right bout now. How did I get in this predicament in the first place!?


"E quit whinning like a Bitch" he hollered at me.

"Stay still, the more you  resist, the longer it takes"

"It burns!!"

He dabbed some more alcohol on the cotton cloth then pressed it against my battle wound. This substance stung like a bitch and he talking bout be still!? ..

"E its no even that much on here!" He chuckled.

"Says tha one ssshh" I hissed.

He stitched me up and I slowly jumped off the counter. We were posted up in the back of my local cafe.

Juan was taken to the hospital. He got shot five times and was in crital condition. Mitch said he'll handled it for me soon as he find out who did it. Knowing him, it shouldn't take long.

Beauté déguisée was a cafe that I owned and the first property I bought since my young ages. In the front, was the regular scenario; tables, chairs, but in the back, was private.

No one was allowed back there expect Me and the manager Darren, my shipmen. I had a couple of rooms and a bathroom. It wasn't much but it was sorta like a hiding spot for me.

"Aye E!" I heard Daren yell my name.

"What!" I shouted back.

"Somebody out here looking for ya"

"Stall them for a bit!"

Mitch left after, said he had to get to work and can't have any delays. He was my right-hand so I knew he had my back.

I walked over to my closest and grabbed some clothes and shoes along with my hygiene products. I headed over to the bathroom with Darren screaming my name.

"I'm coming shyt!"

Ima take my sweet ass time. I be damm if I let a pouch head nigga try to rush me. It takes time to be such a doll!


"Bout time you made it out here!" He mumbled.

I popped the back of his head and he hissed.

"Damm it E! Heavy-handed having ass almost took my head off!"

"Quit whinning" I waved him off.

"Say the one who was just playing hopscotch over a lil alcohol" he teased.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Ow!Ow! It burns- stop it I'm going to die" he mocked my voice, raising his hands in the air.

"Fuck you bitch."

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