Chapter 4: Unfortunate Roommates

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Draco walked onto the platform all by himself for the first time. He had never felt so vulnerable I his life. Two days before, he had gotten a new wand at Ollivander's. It took so long for the Ministry to finally approve of him getting a wand, but he does have restrictions. He was not allowed to use magic outside of Hogwarts unless it was one of the spells approved by the Ministry until further notice. They had set charms upon his wand, and he hadn't even dared to try his wand, let alone try any magic. 

Draco walked curtly to the Hogwarts Express, to which he found many people staring, making faces, and whispering. Draco had grown used to this whenever he had to leave to gather things for his mother, Narcsissa,, but it still hurt to know these people, his own classmates whom he knew for years, despised him. Draco knew none of his friends were coming this year. All of them were of age, and a couple were afraid of the tormenting they would receive if they came back after some things they had done during the battle of Hogwarts. When the Slytherin had managed to finally find a compartment that was empty, he sighed in relief to know he wouldn't have to endure the comments for a while. The boy stowed his things away and sat down. He looked at King's Cross Station and remembered back to a time when all he had to worry about was making friends and about which house he would be put in, oh how amazing blissful ignorance had been to things like Dark Lords and Death Eaters. Now, he had to be here to take responsibility for his father's mistakes and for his own.

At a quarter to 11, Draco was forced out of his own thoughts when he heard some people come inside the compartment. They were talking when suddenly, they stopped. He knew exactly why, they saw him in there and we're going to start throwing hexes at him any second. The blonde hadn't even turned to look at the newcomers, he just sat there stiffly, awaiting the jinxes that were to come, but they didn't. Instead, he heard Potter.

"Er—Malfoy, could, er, we sit here...everywhere else is full..."

But the Slytherin said nothing, he did nothing. He just sat there, looking out the window. The Gryffindorks decided that his silence was an invitation, and sat down anyways. Draco was actually not upset about that at all, he just wished that he had said something. When they all say down, Draco decided to let his mind wander once more to a world where maybe, he could've been friends with those three. Maybe, he could've said no to becoming a Death Eater, and maybe, the Battle of Hogwarts hadn't happened...


The feast had ended and Draco had yet to eat anything. He had been so hungry, but decided not to eat because of two reasons. The first one was that whenever he ate, he felt like throwing it back up, and the second one was that he felt he did not deserve to eat. 

Soon, Professor McGonagall was escorting the entire eight year to their dormitory, and Draco waited to be in the back, where no one would notice him. When everyone had walked into the common room, he noticed how it got much more quiet when he walked in. He heard them whisper and point, the boy was even afraid a few would cast a jinx in him, but they all decided to leave him alone, for now. The blond looked around the common room for a few moments  before deciding he should probably find his dorm. 

When Draco had finally reached his room, he looked at the names on it and felt his stomach drop. If anyone was going to give him a hard time, it would be Potter and Weasley, but then again, they did leave him alone on the train, but that might have just been because Granger was there. He walked in, looked around the room and found that Potter was looking up at him, he immediately looked away from the boy, fearing he might try to hex him, and walked briskly to his trunk. He grabbed his pajamas, some bandages to replace the old ones, and his wand, just in case.

When he got into the bathroom, Draco saw that there were two blokes already there, a Hufflepuff and a Ravenclaw. The two of them looked at Draco and quickly drew their wands.

"What's a Death Eater like you doing  at Hogwarts, Malfoy?" The Hufflepuff said

Draco backed up until he stopped abruptly when he hit the wall, he said nothing.

"What? Got nothing to say? Your not even trying to defend yourself? Is it because you can't just run to your father to make the school expel us?" The Ravenclaw bit

"Diffindo!" The two of them shouted.

Draco would've been thrown  back even further if he hadn't already been pushed up against the wall. Sudden cuts of various sizes were appearing across Draco's chest and he crumpled on the ground. Blood started to come out when he heard the two laugh and walk away, leaving him there on the floor. Draco forced himself up and move a shaky hand towards his wand and tried to heal his cuts. He had never been good at healing charms, so he cast a spell so that the wounds wouldn't scar at the very least.

When he was satisfied with the spell, the removed his shirt and cast a cleaning charm to remove the blood, but alas, he could not rep are the cuts on the shirt. The Slytherin folded it neatly and then moved his still shaking hands to the bandages. He decided that he could leave his arm bandages alone for now and proceeded to wrap his chest with the gauze. 

After Draco changed, he walked back into the dorm to see Potter now had a book on his bed, and the Weasley boy had fallen asleep in the room. The blonde put his belongings away, strictly noticing that Potter was watching his every move. When he put his clothes away, he grabbed his wand and closed the curtains on his bed. He used a nonverbal silencing spell and then proceeded to cry into his pillow. Draco would never be caught crying ever, in front of anyone. Malfoy's just didn't show emotions, especially weak ones such as love or sadness. When he was in bed was the only time he ever removed his Malfoy Mask and was able to freely express his emotions. 

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