Part 7

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I laid on my bed, trying to remember something, anything. My mind seemed to be refusing to remember clearly anything that had happened during my imprisonment, which worried me. I have always had a good memory, with only dreams being the faulty area. My eyes widened as I suddenly started thinking about my escape. It had been too easy... What if none of this was really happening?

"If I wake up one day and this has all been a dream, I'm going to kick someone's ass," I muttered as I rolled to my side, trying not to have an existential crisis. I held my second pillow close to me as I breathed in the scent of home. Home... I was safe now. No one was going to capture me again, and I wasn't going to hurt anyone either. Wait a second... My eyes snapped open as another thought struck me. How in the world had they captured me in the first place? I remembered passing out after my fight with that Sound shinobi, so they would've taken me to the hospital, but it was heavily guarded during the Exams if I recalled correctly. Besides, what had been that odd vision of Kasai fleeing from something? It had caused me to lose my memories as well...

"Damn, I'm just about useless," I sighed as my mind grasped at straws. Ever since the exams started, my life had turned upside down, and nothing had made sense. Suddenly the building shook around me, tossing me from my bed. I rolled to my feet and was greeting with the most bizarre sight to date. It had instantly turned to night, and the entire village was dark. I climbed back onto my bed and leaned out the window, enraptured by the sky. The moon had a ring of fire around it, and I thought it was an eclipse at first, but the light wasn't hurting my eyes at all. In fact, it was soft like the normal moonlight, but what really caught my attention was the sky. I had seen them once before, those blue flames streaking across the sky. But why were they here? Konoha was too far south I thought. But, they were so bright and looked as if I could touch them, like if I reached my hand out I could pull them from the sky. So that's what I did. I reached up and actually took hold of them, and tore them from the sky. There was a loud roar and screaming, and I looked away from the glittery ribbon in my hand to see the village on fire. All of it, with everyone burning. My eyes widened and my body froze in place. What was happening? I saw kids running in the street below, and a huge black paw crushed them. Some creature roared above me and I looked up to see a huge black fox walk over my building. 

"No," I cried. "This isn't happening!" Suddenly it jumped, and I watched it crash into a huge orange fox with multiple tails. Tears were now streaming down my face. Why was Kasai fighting Kurama? Why was the village ablaze? The foxes were wrestling, and the only thing I could think of was Naruto. Was he ok? Had he lost control, or was Kurama free and seeking vengeance? Wait! I pulled my shirt up to reveal the seal there, and noticed it was still intact. That meant I was dreaming. I needed to focus and wake up. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, willing myself to wake up. Slowly the sounds around died away, and I carefully opened my eyes. 

"Thank goodness." My room was a mess around me, and the sunlight was streaming in. I smiled with a sigh of relief as I pushed myself up, but something brushed across my hand. I looked to see ribbons that shimmered like those from my dream. My brows furrowed as I picked them up, but they were so pretty... I decided to get dressed and tie my hair up with these today. I hoped to see Naruto before he set out on a mission, and my wish was granted, as he came knocking on my door.

"Hey, Hika-chan, want to get some Ichiraku's?" I nodded happily, my new scarf wrapped around my neck, oddly the same color as the ribbons. I'd never had anything the exact same shade of blue before. Ah well, I'd worry about it later. 

"So, has Lady Hokage given you a mission yet?" I asked as we walked. He shook his head.

"Nope, but I think she's giving me time to settle in." I nodded, since that was exactly what she was doing for me. "What about you?"

"Same, although I think you'll get missions before me. I want to go get my brain checked out. Something isn't right. I keep having these awful nightmares." He looked at me worriedly, but I waved it away. "I'll be fine! It's not like they tortured me or anything." Blatant lie, but he seemed to buy it, the idiot. That didn't bother me, though, because I felt so much happier just being next to him. Nothing could take this happiness away.









I chewed on the inside of my cheek, suddenly nervous. How much had everyone changed? Did anyone ever find Hikari?

I'm Coming Home (sequel to RSW)Where stories live. Discover now