finally mine

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recap:We just finished our mission and it was boring as fuck. i mean all we do is go to a criminals detected location and shoot him or take him to the police. not very exciting. Kylie told me she wanted to sleep with me at my apartment again because she feels safer which gave me hope for her to let me take her on a date or something. maybe she will even be my girlfriend. Maybe i should just not ask her and secretly love her, she will never love me. But, never say never.

*Justins P.O.V.*

i woke up to the sound of thunder and lightning along with the pitter patter from the rain hitting the window. Me and Kylie were cuddled up with her face in my bare chest while my left and her right hand were interlocked. She had an adorable frown on her face while her eyebrows knitted together like she was aggervated, She was still asleep and looked like she was either having a nightmare or just angry at whatever was going on in her dream.

She started to move and rambling incohearant words.

she was having a nightmare.

Ipulled her closer into my chest hoping to give her some sort of comfort.

"Shh, your allright im right here." i cooed into her ear barely above a whisper.

She slowly started to stop squirming and her mummbling stopped. I heard her groan.

oops i woke her up. at least i can talk to her now:)

"moring baby girl" i whispered in her ear giving her temple a light kiss.

"morning jay" she whispered back with her eyes still closed.

"what do you want to do today?" i asked her while i twirled a strand of her smooth hair between my fingers.

"lets just sit here and sleep" she mummbled still not opening her eyes. I let out a low chuckle at her request, allthough i wouldnt mind.

"im not tired " i whined making her giggle and open her eyes reluctanty.

"weeeellll than we can...." she said stretching out the 'well'. "hmm..."she hummed tapping her chin gently.

"wanna cuddle and watch movies all day?" i asked hopefully. she just nodded in response and burried her head further into my chest.

"justin?" she asked after a mintue of peaceful silence.

"yeah?" i asked playing with her hair again.

"thank you" she said taking my left hand that was sitting by my side.

"hmm. for what?" i asked confused.

"for comforting me during this whole luke bull shit" she said starting to trace my sleeve of tattoos on my left arm. Her touch sent shivers up my spine making me want to make love to her right here, right now.

"well, im not going to leave you to be alone like this" i said looking down at her admireing her every feature. She is so beautiful.

"i love you so much, your such a good friend" she said removing both hands from me and attacking me in a hug. i immidetely hugged back and closed my eyes, her hugs where the best things ever i swear.

"i love you to babygirl" i said smiling. i know she only ment she loved me as a friend but i deffinetly loved her more than a friend.

"so what movie?" she asked still laying on top of me hugging me.

"whatever you want baby" i said kkissing her head again, she jumped out of my grip and walked over to my shelf of movies i have in my room. She was looking intently at all the movies trying to pick a good one.

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