Part 1

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Jack slowly awoke to the soft clattering of hooves, the creaking of wood, and the gentle swaying of a carriage.  Where was he?  The last thing he remembered was crossing over the border into Skyrim and finding himself swarmed by soldiers.  Silently taking in his predicament, he realized he wasn't the only man riding in this carriage.  There were three others with him.  The man sitting across from him was distinctly of nord decent.  Long blonde hair that fell to his shoulders and a strong muscular build.  The nord looked well groomed, but battle worn.  A soldier, maybe?  He appeared to be dressed like one.  The man sitting beside the nord was far less groomed and clearly not a soldier.  The man had defined muscles, but he clearly wasn't the soldier type.  He looked more like someone from a low class family.  Especially in those burlap looking clothes.  Jack had seen similar types of people like him around the outskirts of the Imperial City in Cyrodiil.  He could bet the man was a thief.  His guilty defeated expression seemed to say so.  The hairs on Jack's arm stood up as he took in the man beside himself. 

Another nord.  Although, this one was gagged.  This nord stared back at him from his hunched position like a he was waiting for a fight.  He gave off the aura of someone powerful.  He was wearing similar colors to the other nord, but his had more fur.  From the thickness and dark color of it, Jack guessed it was bear fur.  Afraid to keep eye contact with someone like him, Jack averted his gaze to himself.  He was fortunate that they let him keep his clothes... but all his gear was gone.  His beautiful green glass sword, his power rings, his amulet, all his travel supplies... gone.  Twisting his hands, he tried to see if he could loosen the tight rope they had bound his hands with.  He could just use his magic to set the rope ablaze... but until he knew what was going on, he figured it was best to save that trick.  Realizing that the ropes were too tightly bound, Jack raised his head to take in the looks of his captives.  They looked slightly different from the imperial soldiers he was accustomed to seeing, but there was no doubt that they still had the same basic style of look.  Clad in heavy armor and wearing a maroon red. 

Jack shivered a little from the chill early morning air.  Skyrim was so cold compared to Cyrodiil.  He really had underestimated it.  The nord across from him drew his attention from taking in the snowy surroundings by casually speaking out.  "Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? You walked right into that imperial ambush. Same as us and that thief over there".  Jack didn't answer.  He didn't want to consult with these people.  He didn't want anyone thinking he had anything to do with them.  Whether they were innocent or not, he just wanted to stay out of it.  The thief sitting beside the nord turned to spit back at the man bitterly.  "Damn you, Stormcloaks. Skyrim was fine until you came along. Empire was nice and lazy. If they hadn't been looking for you, I could've stolen that horse and be halfway to Hammerfell".  The thief suddenly locked eyes with Jack, telling him softly.  "You there. You and me. We shouldn't be here. It's these Stormcloaks the Empire wants".  Jack couldn't really bring himself to disagree, but didn't show any signs that he agreed either.  The nord dryly replied to the thief's comment.  "We're all brothers and sisters in binds now thief". 

The imperial soldier driving the carriage, shifted slightly in his seat to shoot back at them over his shoulder.  "Shut up back there"!  No one seemed to really pay the driver much mind though, as the thief took in the appearance of the burly nord sitting beside Jack.  Asking out loud to no one in particular.  "And what's wrong with him, huh"?  Jack caught the gagged nord's stern expression that he flashed the thief.  Clearly, this nord was used to getting more respect.  Jack guessed he was probably a high born.  The nord across from Jack, shot back defensively with a voice full of commanding respect.  "Watch your tongue! You're speaking to Ulfric Stormcloak, the true high king".  Jack's eyes widened in surprise.  The name meant nothing to him, but if what the nord said was really true... his chances of escaping just dwindled down to single digits.  The thief had a similar reaction but on a much more horrified scale.  The thief clearly knew the mans name and knew it was a really bad sign.  In a trembling voice the thief gasped out.  "Ulfric? The Jarl of Windhelm? You're the leader of the rebellion. But if they've captured you... Oh gods, where are they taking us"?

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