Part 119

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The stone floor was cold beneath Jack. He could feel it through the torn and ripped remains of his clothes. Shivering a little, he snuggled into Mark's damp thick dark brown fur. When Mark pulled him closer, Jack could barely feel the sharp tips of Mark's claws touch the exposed skin of his back. Mark was being careful not to hurt him, making Jack smile. Listening to Mark's loud thundering heart, he told him quietly. "I'll need new clothes... I can't go back to Skyrim's cold climate like this." Mark tilted his head enough to bring his muzzle close to his ear, before his warm tongue licked his whole ear. Jack shuddered at the weird feeling but giggled out. "Eh... Don't do that. That tickles." Mark adjusted his head off him, huffing out a heavy sigh. Jack ran his hand through the thick fur of his chest, telling him in a loving voice. "Mark... Something occurred to me after I thought you died. I didn't have time to think about it, but... I can't stop thinking about it now." Mark's tail dusted the floor, when he lifted his head.

Jack couldn't bare to look at him as he told him. "If I had lost you just now... I'd never see you again." Mark let out a soft whine, but Jack continued in a numb voice. "Hear me out, Mark. You made a deal with Hircine... You've become one of his hunters. When you die... you won't go to Sovengarde... You'll go to Hircine's hunting ground. A place I can't follow. I'd be separated from you for all of time..." Mark's furry hand moved to touch a knuckle to his cheek. Finally looking into Mark's large yellowish gold eyes, Mark's eyes lowered to look at something. Jack followed his gaze to see his own hand on Mark's chest, their wedding glinting in the low candlelight. Jack stared at the ring, telling Mark softly. "I don't understand. Why would the ring make a difference?" Mark nuzzled him with his big nose, his whines pitching at weird times to sound almost human. Listening carefully, he heard Mark repeat it a few times, before asking him confused. "Mara?" Mark nodded his head, then laid his head down.

Jack pet Mark's chest, asking still confused. "Mark, I don't understand...?" Mark's body started shifting back but it was so different now. He was changing back, but it looked more painful. The bones broke and shrank in size, causing Mark roll onto his back and cry out in agony. Arching his back, Mark let a scream that made Jack bolt up onto his knees. Something was wrong. Mark had never changed back this violently before. Panicking, Jack extended his hands over Mark, starting to try and heal him. The magic was being absorbed into Mark's body aggressively with a hunger that made Jack gasp in shock. Jack couldn't end the spell, something ancient and powerful was forcing him to keep it going. Absorbing more and more mana from him. Mark's human body arched back against the floor, letting out a calmer groan one last time. As Mark's body fell limply to the floor, the connection on Jack broke. Jack fell back across the floor, panting heavily. He felt like his magic had been completely drained from him.

It was a feeling he hadn't felt in a long time. Mark slowly sat upright, groaning out bitterly. "That fucking sucked. Jack? You ok?" Jack couldn't move. His body was too weak. Mark rushed to him, leaning over him as he almost shouted out. "Jack?!" Jack managed a slight nod, groaning out in a strained voice. "What... was that?" Mark put a hand on Jack's chest, telling him seriously. "Apparently, that is what happens when I try to change back without eating... Jack... The wolf was eating me from the inside... It was killing me..." Jack didn't want to laugh, but he couldn't stop himself. Staring up at Mark with a defeated look, he chuckled out. "Daedra lords sure do know how to hide that fine print..." Mark chuckled, leaning his head down to rest it on Jack's shoulder as he told him lightly. "You were right. I should have eaten Neloth's heart out... but the wolf saw him as so cowardly that he was unworthy to be eaten. How's that for insult..." Jack reached up to run a hand through Mark's hair, lightly chuckling back. "I bet he tasted terrible anyway."

Mark sat up a little with a smile that faded away when he looked over all the holes in Jack's clothes. Jack patted Mark's cheek, sitting up stiffly as he told him gruffly. "One thing at a time. Let's get the fuck out of here." Jack weakly staggered to his feet, while Mark collected Neloth's bag and Sam. Removing the cubes one at a time, Jack placed the cubes out on all the boiler pedestals carefully. Pipes roared to life, but nothing too dangerous happened. While placing the cubes around, Mark told him in a serious voice. "Jack, about what you said before... That won't happen. It's true that Hircine owns my soul now and that Sovengarde will no longer welcome me to its great hall. However, before either of us did any of those deals... We got married under Mara. This life or the next, her blessing will help me find you. I promise you that Jack. Mara will bring us together and if not... I'm stubborn enough to find my own way to you." Jack set the last cube on the stand with a warm smile, answering lovingly over his shoulder. "I believe that."

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