Part 14

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The second they entered into the hold, a burly nord's harsh tone caught Jack's attention.  "We'll pay whatever it takes, but we must have more swords for the Imperial soldiers"!  The nord woman that the man was talking to, crossed her arms over her broad chest, respectfully telling him.  "I just can't fill an order that size on my own. Why don't you swallow that stubborn pride of yours and ask Eorlund Grey-mane for help".  The burly nord scoffed loudly with disgust, when he answered bitterly.  "HA! I'd sooner bend my knee to Ulfric Stormcloak! Besides, Grey-mane would never make steel for the Legion".  The nord woman lowered her arms, sighing in defeat as she answered softly.  "Have it your way. I'll take the job, but don't expect a miracle".  The burly nord nodded to her, before turning swiftly on his heel to walk away.  Jack glanced beside him to Mark, who told him softly.  "Both Ulfric and General Tullius are pushing any blacksmith they can find to craft more weapons for their stupid war. It's how I've been making a good deal of money lately. I'm sad to say".  Mark's face turned gloomy as he headed out up the road.

Jack followed close behind him trying to think of something to perk him up a bit.  Everyone had to make a living... even if it just fueled the fighting.  Otherwise, they'd just find someone else and you go hungry.  Reaching out to touch Mark's shoulder, Jack jerked his hand back and froze.  He recognized this place... He had never physically been here... but he knew it.  The cobblestone road.  The wooden buildings.  This was the place in that weird dark dream that Akatosh made him see.  Mark turned back to face him, his expression turning into one of concern as he asked.  "Jack? What's wrong"?  Jack turned his gaze up to the sky expecting to see dragons fighting like in his dream... but it was just a calm sky.  Shakily, Jack told Mark.  "I saw this place in my dream, Mark. The one with the burning buildings and the dragons".  Mark took a quick glance around at the place, before telling Jack seriously.  "We better hurry then. The keep is this way".  Jack nodded, rushing after Mark.  Did Akatosh want him to warn Whiterun in order to keep the vision from happening?  They raced through a small market and up steep stone steps to a large open area where a dead tree stood in the center.  Mark didn't slow down, he just ran passed and up more winding stony stairs.

When they finally reached the top, they took a minute to catch their breath.  While Jack marveled at the large wooden keep, Mark told him proudly.  "This is Dragonsreach. Home of Jarl Balgruuf The Greater. Ruler of Whiterun".  It was beauty.  Smiling a bit, Jack asked Mark playfully.  "Is it called 'Dragonsreach', because it's high in the air and can be burned by them"?  Mark tried to suppress a smirk, but it managed to form on his face.  Waving him across the wooden bridge toward the large wooden door, Mark told him coolly.  "Careful, Jack. I live in Whiterun. That makes him 'my' Jarl. Be respectful".  Jack crossed his arms and shot Mark a sarcastic look.  He was one to talk.  Mark was more of a troublemaker than he was.  Mark pushed open one of the heavy wooden doors and they entered into the warm keep.  The place had an incredibly high ceiling, and a large fire pit nestled between two long tables that lead up to the Jarl's throne.  As they walked up the steps to the fire pit, Jack listened to what sounded like a heated debate going on between the Jarl and his steward.

The steward stood beside the throne, respectfully pleading with the Jarl who sat troubled on his throne.  "Please, see reason, my lord. You can't send troops there, or Jarl Siddgeir may see it as an act of war".  The Jarl straightened up on his throne to snap back.  "You would have me leave the people of Riverwood defenseless? What kind of Jarl would that make me if I left my people to the cruelty of Ulfric! No! I will not cower behind these walls while Ulfric burns my lands and slaughters my people"!  The steward raised his hands in surrender, but still pleaded to him.  "I'm just saying that these are times of war. Some sacrifices may need to be made in order for us to prepare for the battle here".  Jack's eyes drifted to an approaching female Dunmer.  She had a sour battle-worn look to her and some kind of tribal tattoo on her face.  She drew her blade as she stopped before them, telling them in a threatening dark tone of voice.  "What is the meaning for this interruption? The Jarl is not receiving anyone today". 

Jack expected Mark to drew his sword or at least say something threatening back.  Instead, Mark simply stated firmly.  "We have news from Helgen about the dragon attack, Irileth".  Jack felt a sudden stab of jealousy.  Mark knew her?  How did he come to know someone like her?  She wasn't even close to the type of girl that he sometimes joked with him about.  Irileth sheathed her blade and straightened up.  Her voice shifting to a light casual one as she answered.  "Oh. Well, that explains why the guards let you in. Come on then, the Jarl will want to speak to you about this personally".  Mark gave him a quick smile, before following her to the Jarl.  Jack didn't return it.  Scowling at Mark, Jack tagged along behind as Irileth kneeled before the Jarl.  Her tone turning to one of humbled respect as she respectfully interjected.  "My lord, these men bring news from Helgen".  The Jarl sat up straight in his chair, politely waving her away, before he asked them in an anxious commanding voice.  "So you were at Helgen? Are the rumors true? Did you see this 'dragon' with your own eyes"?  Mark turned to look at him for an answer.  Stepping closer to the Jarl, Jack told him seriously.  "It's true. A dragon attacked Helgen and the last time I saw it, it was heading this way".

The Jarl slumped in his chair, grimly stating aloud.  "By the nine, Irileth you were right. What do you say now, Proventus? Shall we continue to trust the strength of our walls against a dragon"!  He turned dark eyes on Proventus, his steward, who stood silent.  Irileth broke up the tension between them by kneeling back down at the Jarl's side, asking humbly.  "My lord, we should send troops to Riverwood at once. It's in the most immediate danger, if that dragon is lurking in the mountains...".  She trailed off waiting patiently for his answer, when Proventus cut in sharply.  "We should be patient. My lord, the Jarl of Falkreath may assume we have joined Ulfric's side and attack. We should-".  The Jarl raised a hand aggressively yelling out.  "Enough! I will not stand idly by while a dragon burns my hold and slaughters my people"!  Lowering his hand, the Jarl gripped the arms of his throne tightly, before telling Irileth confidently.  "Irileth, send a detachment to Riverwood at once".  Irileth bowed her head respectfully to him, answering proudly.  "Yes, my Jarl".  Without any hesitation, she quickly took her leave from the keep.

Jack watched the steward pout beside the Jarl, before grumbling out to the Jarl.  "If you'll excuse me then, my lord? I'd like to return to my studies".  The Jarl nodded heatedly, growling out through his clenched teeth.  "That would be best".  As Proventus stormed from the room, the Jarl took the both of them in with softening eyes.  Mark casually took a knee and when he realized that Jack was still standing, he grabbed the front of his tunic to pull him down carefully.  The Jarl smirked at them, leaning against one of the arms of his chair, before he told them warmly.  "Thank you both for bringing this information to me. Whiterun thanks you. Now I wonder if while you are here, if you would help me with another matter".  Mark was quick to answer.  "Of course, my lord. Anything".  Jack elbowed Mark to draw his attention, before muttering softly.  "Don't say that! You don't know what he wants yet". 

The Jarl chuckled softly, leaning over his legs as he told them bluntly.  "A wise observation. Especially, since no one I have ever sent has ever returned. But, I'm told that it is of the upmost importance".  Jack climbed to his feet, but didn't give the Jarl an answer.  He wasn't going to agree to anything without knowing more.  The Jarl appeared to sense that, because he slowly climbed up out of his chair, telling them with a smirk.  "Maybe you should hear me out, before you make up your minds. You wouldn't be doing me this favor for free. I'll pay quite handsomely to get this task over and done with".  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

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