Part 8

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Mark slowly moved closer to him, saying almost in disbelief.  "I thought the heat was getting to me again. I only got your letter from the courier yesterday".  Jack felt the tears roll down his cheeks as he happily answered.  "I sent that about a month ago. I guess travel between Cyrodiil and Skyrim isn't so easy".  Mark's smile fell from his face and he reached out to touch his neck, asking in sudden fright.  "Jack? What happened? Are you hurt"?  Startled, Jack looked down at himself.  He was covered in dirt... but he thought he looked ok.  Jack looked up to see Mark pull a his hand away from his neck.  His fingers smeared in dark blood.  Realization hit him and he quickly reassured Mark.  "It's alright. It's not mine. I ran into... some trouble crossing the border".  A passing Riverrun guard, turned his way as he passed by and Jack added more softly.  "Maybe we should talk about this someplace else"?  Mark glanced around at the people who all seemed to be staring at them, before nodding. 

Mark draped an arm around his shoulder and lead him across his porch to the door of his house.  His eyes drifting down to the iron sword separating them.  Jack felt guilty as Mark casually asked.  "What happened to 'Green Glory"?  Jack bit his lower lip hard in shame.  Mark had made him the green glass sword that the guards had taken from him.  It pained him to tell Mark, but he grimly stated.  "It was taken by imperial guards... and I couldn't get it back. I'm sorry, Mark".  Mark pulled him in closer to his side, sweetly replying.  "I can make you a new sword. I can't replace you".  Jack still felt terrible about loosing it.  Mark opened the door and they entered.  Mark locked it up tight, before taking a seat at his wooden table and seriously asked.  "Alright. Tell me what happened".  Jack stood staring into the large stone fireplace.  Crossing his arms over his chest, he told Mark weakly.  "I don't want to talk about that right now".  Turning to face Mark, he quickly added as he walked closer to where Mark sat.  "I was almost killed multiple times today. So, right now. I don't want to talk about my shitty day. I want what I fought to get home to. You". 

Mark straightened up in his seat as Jack stepped over his legs to stand over his lap.  Jack cupped Mark's jaw firmly, whispering softly against his lips.  "I'd rather die in bed fucking you, than to enter Sovngarde a bloody mess".  Mark's lips spread into a wide grin and Jack pulled Mark up into his kiss.  Jack had missed this so badly.  The way Mark let him control the kiss, but his strong hands were hooking behind his knees to pull him down on top of his lap.  His hands then slid all over his body, feeling every inch of him.  Jack didn't want to pull away from Mark's lips, but he had too.  Leaning back a bit, Jack's fingers fumbled over the strings to his leather arm bracers.  He wanted them off as fast as he could, but he was struggling with them.  Mark gently took his arm in hand, telling him in a calm and soothing voice.  "Slow down, Jack. I'm not going anywhere. Let me do it".  Jack took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.  Why did he feel so anxious?  His hand shook as Mark carefully untied the laces to his first bracer, asking playfully.  "What did you do to you're hair"? 

Jack blushed a deep red, telling Mark a little embarrassed.  "I did it for an Alchemy exam. Everyone else was making invisibility potions... so, I tried something a little more advanced. The teacher was so impressed that he got me the transfer to Winterhold College. Why? You don't like it"?  Mark pulled the bracer off his arm, looking up at him with a devilish smile as he wicked told him.  "I love it. It brings out your eyes".  Jack rolled his eyes with a small smile, but it faded away when he told Mark softly.  "I should never have let you fight in the arena. No magic was worth risking your life for".  Mark stopped untying Jack's next bracer to turn Jack's chin toward him.  Looking him straight in the eyes, Mark told him soft but sternly.  "Don't start that. It was 'MY' decision to fight in the arena. It was the fastest way to get the money you needed to join the Mages Guild. That was your dream. Now look at you. You're top of your class. You're doing advanced magic. You are a great wizard. I'm proud of you". 

Jack grabbed Mark's wrist with his free hand, telling Mark in a voice filled with shaky sorrow.  "What if you had died there? I never even tried to stop you! I don't even want to think of a life without-".  Mark released Jack's chin to cover his mouth, telling him sharply.  "Stop! Stop worrying about the future and stay with me here in the present. When I die, I'm only going to wait for you. Now tell me what happened today".  Mark removed his hand and Jack nestled his cheek into his warm palm.  His voice barely above a whisper, when he told Mark shakily.  "I thought I was never going to see you again. The imperials were going to behead me because they thought I was a stormcloak... and all I could think about was you. I should have left with you when you said you were leaving Cyrodiil... I should have left the Arcane University and ran after you".  Warm tears started pouring from his eyes, so he leaned in to bury his head into the crook of Mark's neck, whispering.  "I was afraid". 

Mark wrapped his arms tightly around, Jack's trembling shoulders.  Speaking to him in a deep buttery voice that he hoped would settle him down.  "It's alright, Jack. Your safe. Remember when you asked me how I stayed so calm when I fought those two minotaurs"?  Jack nodded, and he told him honestly.  "I was afraid... but the thing no one tells you is that you don't have time to feel it. It's kill or be killed. It's only after the fight that your emotions catch up. I'd be worried if you weren't afraid".  Jack curled up closer to Mark, and Mark scolded back playfully.  "Now you got blood all over me. Come on. Let's get you cleaned up".  Jack shook his head just as playfully.  He didn't want to get up.  He wanted to stay snuggled in Mark's safe embrace.  Mark chuckled, hefting Jack into his arms and carefully carrying him downstairs.  Jack missed this too.  He didn't have to be strong around Mark.  Mark was strong enough for the both of them. 

Mark slowly let go of Jack's legs, letting him slide down his body until he regained his footing.  Patting the large brass tub, Mark told him gruffly.  "I filled it earlier, but I've got to get some buckets to boil the water until it gets warm".  Jack smirked, dipping his hand into the cold water and conjuring the spell for flames.  Immediately the water began to bubble and grow warmer.  When he removed his hand the water was steaming nicely in the cold air.  Mark strolled up against him, unclipping his cloak and tugging up the hem of his long sleeved tunic as he muttered to him lustfully.  "Show off. You better not have become one of those spoiled wizards...".  Jack let Mark pull his shirt over his head, playfully snapping back.  "Or what? I thought you liked a challenge? Where's your fighters spirit"?  Mark removed his red tunic over his head, dropping it to the floor and pulling Jack against him by his pants.  His voice dropping sinfully deep as he whispered into Jack's ear.  "You win some battles and you think you've got the balls to challenge me? This I've got to see".  Jack chuckled, pressing his lips passionately against Mark's.  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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