Part 53

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Jack leaned in to tenderly kiss Mark's shoulder, asking in a soft whisper. "Are you sure"? Mark's warm breath tickled his ear, replying. "Yes. Been following you since we arrived. Over my shoulder, by the wall". Jack let only his eyes scan around, before looking at the wall. There a Khajiit woman was leaning against the wall, staring at them with sharp feline eyes. The second their eyes met, she averted her glaze to the burned and crumbled market circle. Jack took in her appearance quickly. He didn't recognize her. She was dressed in worn tattered clothing, but her fur looked pristine in its calico coloring. She only carried a small dagger at her hip that was made from a higher quality than her suggested station could normally afford. She either had stole it, or she was trying to blend in as a lower class citizen of Riften. 

The Khajiit woman may have been looking away, but one of her ears was fixed in their direction. Jack knew little about how good her kinds hearing was, but he imagined it was really good. Mark nibbled on his earlobe, forcing Jack to close his eyes from the shiver it gave him. Then Mark whispered to him. "Stay close". Mark stepped back, telling him in a normal voice. "If you want to find him first. Then I won't distract you". Jack rolled his eyes, uttering back. "You always distract me". Jack stayed on Mark's left as they continued down the steps. The more distance he had between her and himself, the more time he'd have to cast spells to defend them. Walking into the broken market circle, Jack politely asked an Argonian man if he knew where he could find Brynjolf. The Argonian man pointed to a stall across the way with a dissatisfied scowl.

They made their way toward a man setting large red bottles up on a shelf, when a woman grabbed Jack's wrist to stop him. Mark's hand reached up to clutch his greatsword's hilt, but Jack wasn't worried. The old woman was sitting cross legged on the ground, barely covered in her shredded clothes. She looked up at him with hopeful eyes as she asked in a shaky voice. "Spare a coin for an old woman"? Mark let go of his sword, placing a hand on his shoulder to probably warn him about Riften being a town of thieves. Yet, Jack still removed a few gold coins from his pocket and placed them into the woman's palm. A tear fell from the woman's face as she held his hand tighter, telling him happily. "Thank you! You're such a kind soul! Blessings upon you, Dragonborn"!

He helped the woman stand upright and she released him to head to a wagon close by that was laden with food. It wasn't until then that Jack noticed all the eyes watching him. They stared at him in what looked to be surprise. Mark shifted nervously beside him, when a heavily accented voice spoke out to them dryly. "Well, what have we here? A noble handing out charity? You best be careful, lad. You could get robbed around here for flashing coin. Or worse. You could get that lass killed for all the coin you just gave away". Jack turned his eyes on the man, asking curiously. "Are you Brynjolf"? The man leaned against the post holding up his little stall, answering calmly. "That depends on who's asking for him, lad". Jack glanced around, feeling uneasy with all the eyes on him, but asked him casually. "We're looking for an old guy, probably hiding out in the Ratway"?

The man raised an eyebrow with interest, answering steadily. "You think I give information for free"? Mark moved in closer, muttering out. "Watch yourself. You're talking to the Dragonborn and the Thane of Riften". The man's eyes locked with Mark's to state aloud without a care. "Fancy titles. They truly are. However, The Jarl doesn't run Riften. Raven Black-Briar does. She's got both the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves guild in her pocket. So, unless you're going to tell me that she sent ya. My lips are sealed, lads". Mark took a step forward, but Jack pushed him back. He didn't want a brawl to break out here. Sighing, Jack removed another few coins from his bag, reluctantly handing them off to the man. The man quickly pocketed the money, answering sincerely. "Yeah. I bet I know your guy. He's hiding out in the Ratway Warrens. Paying us good coin for nobody to know about it".

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