Part 140

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Jack tried to stand his ground, but his magic had made him a bit shaky. Nate turned away from Jack to face the dragon, stating over his shoulder seriously. "Jack, listen to me. This is my fight. So, if you get the chance... run to the gate and don't come back for me." Jack withdrew Dragonbane, sternly snapping back. "I'm not leaving you behind to die!" Nate looked back at him, his bright red eyes peering through his dark bangs as he growled out under his breath. "You can't save me, Jack... I'm already dying." Jack took ahold of his sword with both hands, telling him boldly. "I don't care. We stand a better chance together." The dragon snorted, standing up to its full height as she roared out to them in a powerful voice that shook the stone ruins around her and blasted the ash straight toward them. "GAAN LAH HAAS!" The shimmering force of power was so large it took up the whole courtyard. Jack threw up his strongest ward but had only enough power to fortify himself from the blast.

The blast hit the ward, forcing Jack across the stones to the edge. Jack yelped, glancing back at the fall into a dark abyss. Forcing his foot to slide flat across the ground in order to move forward, he watched in horror as his ward was drained of all power. The shout had absorbed his magic! Gasping, Jack fell to a knee. He could barely conjure a tiny flame on his fingertips. Jerking up to look at Nate, he couldn't believe Nate was still standing. Nate did look just as effected, but in a different way. Nate looked paler. The Dragon flashed them a devilish grin, inhaling deeply. Jack looked for something to hide behind, but there was nothing. This dragon would never let them get close! Nate sheathed his sun sword, then cracked his neck by pressing a fist to the sides of his chin in turn. The dragon shouted again at them and Nate dashed in front of Jack. The blast hit Nate, but his impressively long black talons dug into the stone floor to keep from being pushed back.

With Nate taking the full force of the blast, Jack didn't feel a thing. However, Nate did. Nate fell to all fours, gasping for breath desperately. Jack saw black veins spreading up Nate's neck to his bright red eyes. Placing his hands on him, he tried to heal him. His magic came out in tiny sputtering bursts. It wasn't enough. He had been drained too much. Jack yanked off his bag, pleading to Nate in a panic. "Hang on, Nate! I might have something!" He grabbed a health potion from the bag, but Nate snatched his wrist to stop him. Nate arched his back with a deep animalistic snarl, firmly wincing out to him. "Don't! Save it... for yourself." Jack stared blankly at Nate, watching his pale skin take on a grey tone now. Nate's body was changing rapidly. Blood ran down his arms from something tearing open on his back that caused him to bleed... a lot. Nate's ears grew out longer like those of a bat, while he struggled to tell him through the pain. "I told you... This is... my fight. For you to win... I have to die."

Jack shook his head, then flinched away from Nate. Nate jerked back on his knees, belting out a bloodcurdling scream as a set of leathery grey wings tore through his shirt and sent blood splattering everywhere. The wings lifted Nate off his knees into the air, where the rest of his body changed into a muscular monster that was a cross between a man and a bat. Nate let out a loud screech, showing off sharp white fangs as his hands conjured two sets of spells between massive talon claws. The dragon shifted uneasily, studying Nate with a confused look. Had she never seen a vampire like this? Hell, Jack had read about vampires... but none of them were described as looking like this! Nate landed on the ground, his wings rising menacingly behind him. Nate stared at Jack with a starving look that made Jack's arms breakout in goosebumps. He had trusted Mark not to kill him as a wolf... but Nate? Nate took a step toward him, until the snarl of the dragon drew his attention.

Nate let out a loud hiss at the dragon. The dragon whipped her tail into a building behind her, roaring back at him. Jack scooted off to the side, away from the edge. His magic felt like it was coming back. Nate took off toward the dragon with his fangs and claws at the ready. The dragon let out another shout that was more aimed at Nate, causing the blast to miss Jack by inches as he pressed his back to a building to avoid it. The force hit Nate directly, but only slowed him down a bit. Racing up to the dragon, Nate leapt into the air and attacked its face! Jack swallowed, watching Nate aggressively tear at the scales on the dragon's face. The dragon thrashed its head wildly, clawing at its face and smacking its tail over its nose to try hitting him. Every time she tried, Nate turned into a swarm of tiny bats that kept attacking the dragon's eyes and nose. Jack couldn't believe what Nate was doing. He wasn't trying to kill it... He was making it bleed to feed on it! Nate tore a scale away from a spot around her eye, clinging to her in order to sink his fangs into the soft purple skin beneath.

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