Part 137

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Jack didn't stop for anything. His mind was only focused on one goal. Even as the day faded into night, he refused to stop. The rain fell in heavy drops upon him and still Jack kept going. Agro's hooves clattered across the cobblestone road and her loud panting was the only things he heard. As Agro rushed down the road outside Whiterun keep, guards leapt away with their lanterns. Jack was soaked to the bone, but he didn't care. He rode up to the stable, pulling her to a sudden stop that caused her to slide on the rode a bit. Taking her to the stable to rest, he kissed her nose and then ran the rest of the way on foot. A few guards were about to stop him, until they recognized him. They bowed as he past, but he paid them no mind. He couldn't bring himself to stop. Inside the keep, Whiterun was busier than he had ever seen. There were people dancing in the rain and music played from every street corner. People were drinking and celebrating.

Jack shoved through them with tears that mixed with falling rain. He couldn't enjoy that sight of others being happy. The sight of a couple kissing in the rain, hit Jack hard enough to steal his breath. People offered him tankards of ale that he didn't accept. His heart was heavy, and his emotions were immune to joy. All he saw were things in shades of grey. Making his way to the castle, he shoved his way through the heavy doors and stumbled to his knees. The maids sweeping the floor took in his appearance with soft gasps. Staggering to his feet, he felt the tears roll down his cheeks as he continued up to the dining hall. The Jarl was in the middle of a lively party with Nobles. All cheering the end of the war and his name. As he stepped up the steps, Nobles began to fall silent and moved away from him. The fire pit felt too warm against his wet and cold body. The bards fell silent as the silence rippled up to them, causing the Jarl to turn and finally see him. The Jarl quickly rushed down the steps, approaching him with a face of concern as he asked him clearly. "Dragonborn? What's happened?"

Jack didn't have the heart to answer. More tears ran down his cheeks in unspoken pain, before he inhaled enough to say more collected. "Are you ready to capture a dragon tonight?" The Jarl's face paled a bit. The Jarl shuffled his feet uneasily, glancing at the Nobles. The Jarl's face fell with disappointment, telling him honestly. "I'm sorry, Dragonborn. I just got back and have only had time to share the good news with the people. I will need some time to oil the chains and check the rigging." Jack was about to lose it, when the Jarl tossed his tankard to the floor and announced throughout his hall. "Guards! Rally the men! I want the trap oiled and ready to go as soon as possible!" The guards banged their chests in acknowledgement. Some ran up the stairs in the back, while others ran out to spread the news. The Nobles turned to their housecarls, gesturing for them to help out. The Housecarls all dropped their ales and rushed to follow the guards. Jack stood in stunned silence.

He didn't know what to say. The Jarl turned back to Jack, giving him a bow as he told him. "As promised, my men will get this done. We'll work throughout the night and regal the news to you by morning. Would you like a room while you wait? I can have fresh clothing brought out to you?" Jack wanted to turn it down but found himself nodding. He didn't have the money to go anywhere else. The Jarl gestured him to follow him and lead him up the steps. Leading him to a door far on the left, the Jarl took him along a small trophy hall and to a bedroom. Jack started to move inside, when the Jarl put a hand on his shoulder, asking him in a low comforting voice. "Dragonborn... Where is your companion? I don't think I've seen you without him. Did something happen?" Jack lifted his chin without looking at him, answering numbly. "Just do what I ask of you... And please hurry." The Jarl patted his shoulder, then left him. Jack slowly closed the door, before sliding down the door to cry.

After a good cry, Jack got to his feet to stand before the cold fireplace. As he stared at it, he thought about Mark cooking before the fire. The way they made love before the fireplace. Sinking to his knees, he started to reach out to snap his fingers to light the fireplace... only to stop himself. Sniffling, he gathered up tinder and a match. Leaning close to the straw, he struck a match and tried to light it the hard way. They way Mark always did it. He broke the first two matches in his grief but got it lit the third time. Lighting the straw, he gently blew on the fire until it started to grow. Crossing his legs before the fire, he rocked softly to the memory of Mark's humming. Tears ran down his cheeks like the rain that pattered against the windows. Hanging his head, he ran his shaking hands through his hair. He wanted so badly to turn around and see Mark. He wanted to wake up from this nightmare in Mark's arms. All his magic... and he had been powerless to save him. Laying down across the carpet, Jack closed his eyes and pretend the warmth of the fire was Mark's warmth.

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