Chapter 1

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P.S. I Love You

August 1964

"What would you like to drink?" I asked the couple in front of me.
They smiled both of them gazing at the other.
"Two colas and two burgers."
His eyes never left her.
"Ok. I'll be back."
Susan a fellow waitress and my roommate smiled at me.
"Someone's on the line for you." She said with a hint if excitement in her voice.
I headed to the phone which was lying on the table, to answer and see who it was.
"Hello?" I asked to the mystery person.
"Hello Love."
To my surprise it was Paul calling me.
I squealed. Paul and I hadn't called each other in a few months.
"I MISS YOU!!" I screamed into the phone.
He chuckled.
"I miss you too love."
We continued to talk until my boss came over to me.
"Haven't you been on the phone for a hour now?"
I guess I hadn't realized the time that had passed.
My boss was this huge guy about 6 foot tall 300 pounds, who was always angry with one of us. We were all these young teens working just to pay the rent where as he has a wife (surprisingly) and two daughters about 16 and 14. The daughters were spoiled brats.

"Susan? Are you ready to go?" I yelled to the back kitchen.
She rushed out, her apron half off half on, an her hair all in different places.
"What happened to you?"
She grinned a mischievous grin.
"The fryer broke down. And started to shoot out smoke."
I laughed thinking of how Susan would have handled it.
Susan was very girly, always fixing her makeup or hair, talking about the Beatles.
"Let's go on home so you." I pointed directly at her "can take a shower."
She nodded in agreement and started to head out.
"I'll pull the car up."
She parked about a block away but it's a quick walk. About 5 minutes.

I put in a dime in to the jukebox and played And I Love Her, a song Paul wrote about me. I danced alone, to the slow song thinking about my Paul, thousands of miles away from me.
"The kiss my lover brings,
She brings to me..."
Thoughts of the boys flooded my mind. I miss them so much but I don't regret leaving Liverpool. Los Angeles is the dream city. As I danced I would peek out the window to see if I saw Susan. No sight of her.

The song continued and as it did more memories came to me. It finally took over me and I fell to the ground in sobs.
"Paul... I miss you so much." I spoke to the ground.
I felt a hand on my back. A large strong hand, that belonged to a man.
"Don't cry pretty girl..." He muttered in my ear.
It had been a few years since I had been called pretty. I quickly turned around with a smile glued to my face.
"My name is Mike. Mike Nesmith." He blurted out his eyes never leaving mine.
"I'm Amelia. Witherell."
We both giggled then went back to staring at each other.
"Are you doing anything Friday?"
"No." I smiled
"Would you like to go to dinner?"
I nodded.
This boy, Mike, was very tall about 6ft and wore a green beanie. He was very handsome, with aTexan accent.

We walked out to the door after I had shut off all the lights and locked the door. Susan had her car parked right out front. She sat in the car a cigarette between her long slender fingers, her other hand on the wheel.
"Come on Amelia!" She shouted out the window.
Mike and said goodbye then went our separate ways.
"He was cute. Please tell me you got his number at least..."
I nodded causing her to squeal.
"We're going to dinner on Friday."

We arrived at the apartment 10 minutes later. We picked up our mail which made me ten times happier since I saw a letter addressed to me from London.
"Here's a letter from Paul..."
She handed me the beautiful white envelope, his usual letter felt heavier than usual, but that could just be me thinking that. I carefully peeled the back off the envelope to show the contents. The letter was a crisp new sheet of paper, as white as snow. Bleeding through the paper was the blue fountain pen he had been using on most of his recent letters.
"Dear Amelia,
Hello Love! Gosh I'm starting to miss you more and more each day, maybe it's just because I know I'm going to see you in a few days. What's the count now? Ten days? Man, I'm yearning to see you.
The tour planning is going well and it makes it so much better thinking about how I get to see you!!
I have to be short but I plan on trying to call you the 20th of August, since I will be in Las Vegas relaxing mostly the whole day. Anyways...
I love you dearly,
Paul McCartney"
I was seeing him in three days.

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