.Chapter 6: The Other Side

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I couldn't go to sleep, knowing that something, some creature is watching me. When the glowing eyes went away I was still rather tense and frightened and I think Stiles knew,although he didn't see the eyes he could tell something was bothering me. He pulled me in closer and whispered softly against my neck "It's okay, you're safe here." and for some reason I felt safe. I trusted him, he was truly there for me. I felt that as long as I'm with him no harm can come my way. Stiles was like my anchor, he kept me from going insane, he made me feel normal. I'm not sure, but I actually might be falling in love and I know this all seems kind of fast but I really think I am. What  about his feelings for Lydia though? He was so sprung over her, I mean he's liked her since 3rd grade...feelings like that don't just vanish. And what about Vic? What if I can't get rid of him? I can't bring Stiles into a problem like that. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm sitting there thinking all of this to myself when out of no where I get a call.

Kasey: Hello?

Allison: *sniffles* *sobs* WE BROKE UP!

Kasey: what?! who??

Allison: Me and Scott!

Kasey: Is everything okay?

Allison: Can I comeover, spend the night?

Kasey: .....I'm not at home.

Allison: what?! WHERE ARE YOU!?

Kasey: ....uhm. with Stiles.

Allison: *long pause* ....Stiles? as in Stiles Stilinski? Scott's Bestfriend? OUR STILES?

Kasey: Yes...yes... come on over.

Allison: no it's fine, i'll call Lydia.

Kasey: you sure?

Allison: yea, it'll be fine. talk to you later.

Kasey: alright.

"Who was that?" he asked. "Just Allison." I say turning over to face him. "What'd she need?" he asked. "Her and Scott broke up." I say. "What???" he says sitting up. "No, no, they didn't, they couldn't of... this isn't good for Scott! I've got to call him." Stiles hops out of bed and rushes to his cellphone. He quickly dials a number and unfortunately got no answer the first several times of calling. After about the fifth time of him calling he finally got an answer. "Scott! Where are you?" he said as he started throwing clothes on. "Calm down, I'll get Derek, we're on our way." he says. He hangs up as he's throwing on his jacket.  "What's going on?" I say. "There's a problem...with Scott." he says. "I'll come with." I say getting up. "No... stay here, my dad's gone. You'll be fine." he says. "He left?" I say. "Yea, like 5 minutes after he came home..." I nod my head in agreement. "You sure it's okay for me to stay?" I ask. "You'll be fine. I promise. Like I said.. You're safe here." He kisses my cheek and then leaves. Somehow without him being here I felt no where near safe. He was what made me feel safe, It wasn't the fact I was away from Vic... it was Stiles. Now that he left, I feel paranoid. Like something's watching me. That's when I see something go past the window. At first I think my mind's playing tricks on me until I see it again..and again...and once more. I walk to the window and see something. He's staring at me, This boy. Only he isn't a boy....He's another one of them.

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