Chapter 8: The Pack

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"Since when does Derek have a pack?" I ask. "Since he started turning people." Scott explained. So Derek's turning people now? Great. On top of that I'm some random guy's anchor?! "So who is this new wolf in Derek's Pack?" I ask. "His name's Nick Stone. We need you to get as close as possible to him, keep him calm, stay with him, get involved with him." Scott says. "There's also another problem though." "What's the problem?" I ask. Stiles sighs "Can I tell her?" he asks Scott. "Tell me what?! What's going on?"  I ask getting nervous. "Denise is back." Stiles says. "Denise, my sister Denise? The girl Derek was falling for Denise?" I ask. "Yea, well you left out one part....she's werewolf Denise now." Scott said. "MY SISTER IS A WEREWOLF?! DEREK TURNED HER?? I KNEW THEY HAD A THING, BUT HE TURNED HER?!" I shout. "She'll be coming to see you and since you can't go home to your mother, you need to make up an excuse on why you can't go home...there's too many complications now and with new members being added we can't chance leaving you." Scott tells me. "I see..." I sigh. I pull out my phone.

Kas: Don't try to call me, text me, or keep in contact with me. I'm leaving for good. Goodbye mom.

Mom: kasey, what are you talking about?

Mom: kasey?!

Mom: Kasey! ANSWER ME!

I turned my phone off, so I couldn't receive anymore texts or future calls from her. "Done." I say. "What'd you tell her?" Stiles asked. "I'm leaving for good." I say. Scott and Stiles nod their head. "We have school tomorrow, we really need some sleep." Scott says. "You're right, see you tomorrow." Stiles says. Scott leaves and I head back upstairs into Stiles bedroom. I begin to change my wet clothes realizing I have no pajamas left. Stiles walks in and i'm in my underwear and bra, not like he hasn't already seen this but he said "Oh, sorry... I didn't know." as he covers his eyes. "Uh, do you have a shirt I can borrow?" I ask. He walks in his room stumbling into stuff because his eyes are covered. "Stiles, it's fine! You can look! Geez." I say. He smirks and grabs a shirt of his then tosses it to me. I put it on and then throw my wet hair into a bun. I get under the covers and soon after Stiles joins me. I begin to fall asleep but before I do Stiles wraps his arms around me and just holds me tight, his head resting on my shoulder. "Goodnight, Kasey..." he sighs. "What's wrong?" I say rolling over to face him. "After tonight...things can't ever be the same." he says. "What do you mean?" I ask. "You're his anchor...You're meant for him. He needs you, You keep him sane and you keep him from losing it." he says. "But you're mine. You're my anchor, You're meant for me, I need you! You keep me sane! Without you I would lose it!" I say. He smiles and kisses my neck. "You don't know how good it feels to hear you say that, but you have to focus on him. Promise me you'll do that?" he says. I roll back over staring at the window. "I promise." I whisper. I fall asleep with so many thoughts running through my mind. Why me? Why am I his anchor? Why is all this happening? What'd Derek choose me for? Why isn't Stiles fighting for me!? This brought up so many problems...I will admit one thing though..Nick Stone, was the least of my problems. Someone sexy like him wanting to be turned though, there's something off about that. Did Derek choose him, Did he give him a choice? What about Scott and Allison? Isn't she his Anchor? What's scott gonna do without her? Is an anchor mandatory then? I could possibly find a way out of this... I only want Stiles, but I'll suck it up and get to know's what they want,...and it's what Stiles wants.

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