Chapter 12: Can You Save Me?

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Derek: I'm on my way.

Kas: I'll be outside.

I had to call Derek, he's the only one who can actually help. 20 minutes later Derek is there. I hop in his car and I say "I need your help." "What's going on?" he asks. "I couldn't get a hold of Stiles, I'm scared and angry, and I'm starting to experience sleep paralysis." I explain. "Kasey.....Stiles is missing." he says. "What?! No he isn't, I just talked to him." I say in a panic. "Tell me your lying." "Nick and Victoria are gone as well." he says. "DEREK, YOUR NEW PACK MEMBERS ARE GONNA FUCKING KILL HIM? THEY TOOK HIM?!" I shout. "Calm down, alright! They didn't take him, they're trying to find him." he says. "Derek, you have to find him, You've got to find him please." I say in tears. "Why are you so worried about him?" he asks. "What do you mean?" I ask. "I love him, I'm in love with him." "You can't love him. You need to love Nick." he says. "Why because you said so? I don't have to do shit you say! I love Stiles, Nick can fall in love with Victoria!" I yell. "STILES DOESN'T LOVE YOU. IT WAS ALL A LIE! YOU HAVEN'T REALIZED IT YET? STILES ISN'T NORMAL AND HE ISN'T IN LOVE HE IS JUST TRYING TO GET YOU TO BELIEVE HE IS!" He yells. I get out the car and just walk back to the house. "You should be glad I told you!" he shouts and then speeds off. I walk back into my room and just curl up in the bed. I grab my phone and text Stiles.

Kas: Thank You so much for making me fall for you and having me believe you actually loved. Luckily somebody told me the truth so I wouldn't end up looking stupid. Let's do eachother a favor and just not speak or keep in contact. It's for the best. Thanks for everything. Goodbye.

I check all my missed texts and calls. I have 50 missed calls from  Victor and 20 texts. I decide to just go to sleep. When I finally wake up I have 5 missed calls. He left me 3 voicemails. I decide to listen to them.

Voicemail 1:

Kasey, I'm sorry I couldn't get to you. Something happened. I was taken. Derek doesn't want us together. Nick kidnapped me and Victoria. Victoria is gonna try and get in touch with Scott, Please help me. He's forcing Nick to do this, Nick wants to help me get out of here but he could be killed. Come find me, Hurry.

Voicemail 2:

Baby, I love you. Never forget that. Just hold on to that. I fucking love you and I promise you I will find a way back to you.

Voicemail 3:

We're somewhere in a wine cellar. I don't know where though. Tell Scott, he might be able to come find us. Kasey, I love you. And Nick says he's sorry for all of this, things were never supposed to go this far. Kasey, I can't wait to see your face, Feel your soft lips against my own, Hug you, Cuddle with you, I can't until I can finally be with you again. I'll find a way out even if it's the last thing I do.

[Victoria:] He's coming hurry!

Alright baby, I love you, I'll come back to you. I'm sorry.

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