Chapter 22: Bound

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"I can't Kasey. Not now at least. I can't because I realized what I said was a lie.. I'm not a virgin. but I didn't have sex with know the new girl Derek added into his pack. Well when you were out, Derek sort of drugged me and...well we had sex. Although I don't remember it." he says sighing. "I just can't do this with you..yet." he says. I nod my head and just lay down. "I'm gonna go sleep downstairs. I'll leave you alone." he says. "No. Please don't go." I say staring out the window. "If you don't want me to. I won't." he says. "I...I...just need you right now." I admit. "What's wrong?" he asks getting into the bed. " know I kissed Nick right?" I ask. "Well I didn't know, I do now." he says. "... the thing is I enjoyed it, I felt something when we kissed." I say holding back tears. "But it wasnt like when I kiss you. Because when I kiss you I feel love, passion, sparks fly and everything in the world is non existent except for the two of us, it's as if we are the only things that matter. And with him I just feel a sensation, although its wonderful, it's nothing like the feeling I get with you." I say. "So what's the matter then?" he asks pulling my back into his chest not releasing his hold. "It made me realize, I'll never be out of love with you no matter what. I can't do anything to get rid of the feelings I have for you and I'm not sure if I want to get rid of them, they never go away and its as if you can do the most horrible things and I'd still see the good in you. I'm in love with you and there's no escape from it." I say trying not to let the tears spill from my eyes. "Kasey. I love you, you already know this. We'll work things out with Derek I promise. But for now just stay close to Nick, be as close to him as possible. It doesn't matter what happens between the two of you because at the start of everyday you are with me, and at the end of every night you come back to me. Every thing will be fine,  I promise. I love you." he says. I nod my head. "We have to get some sleep, you should probably spend some time with him." he tells me. "GoodNight my love." He makes me face him and repeats himself. "Goodnight my love.." he says again kissing my forehead. "Goodnight." I say turning over. It's so hard to remain with Stiles when I know I'm not being completely honest with him. I do love Nick, I really do, not as much as Stiles, but my love for Nick is growing. I'll have to spend time with him, I have to gain distance from Stiles. We have to stop. I talked to Derek about the solutions..It's either Stiles gets turned, I get turned, or..I remain with Nick until Derek no longer needs us. I wont let Stiles be put in danger because of Denise and Derek. Denise wants me and Nick to get sired after we graduate in a few weeks. I still havent told Stiles only one who knows is Scott. I need to be with Allison and Lydia aswell before me and Nick undergo this change, so I'll invite them to come along with us. I grab my phone checking to make sure Stiles isn't awake and I notice I have a's from Victor.

**Text Message**

Baby, did you really think I wouldnt figure out you left? Don't worry babe, you'll be back to me soon enough.

I throw my phone and run to the bathroom. I don't know how he found me, what's he gonna do when he gets back to me? I begin to cry and Stiles knocks on the door "Kasey, open the door." he says sleepily. "..I can hear you crying. open the door." I open the door and don't make eye contact with him. He grabs me and just holds me tight refusing to break the hold no matter how much I tried to Push him away He would just say  "I'm not going away, I'm not letting, I wont. not until I know you are okay." We just stood there, as I cried into his chest with his arms wrapped tightly around me. "What's wrong?" he asked me. "I-I-It--It's vi-i-ctor." I said through sobs. "What? What about Victor!?" he said getting worried. That caused him to look at me. "Get my phone." I said still crying. He walks me over to the bed and makes me sit down as he grabs my phone from the floor. He unlocks my phone, and the text is already on the screen, Stiles face changes from concerned to enraged quickly. "Kasey, he won't touch you! He won't come near you! I swear he won't ever hurt you again." That's when there's a knock at the door. Stiles rushes me into the bathroom. His dad doesn't know I'm there. "Hey dad." he says. "Stiles who were you talkin to?" he asked. "I was on the phone,  sorry dad." Stiles lies. "it's alright. just don't be so loud." he tells him. "Alright dad, goodnight." he says shooing him off. I walk out of the bathroom. One thing I realized is Sheriff never brought me missing up to Stiles,  meaning my mother never cared to file a report. I begin to break down because now my peace, my serenity, my safety, it's all at risk.

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