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March 12th 2017

In the lobby-like break room, Woojin sat at the table tapping his foot anxiously as he held his phone in his hands. Taeyang glanced over his shoulder, letting his chin rest on the older's shoulder.

"What'cha doin'?" Taeyang asked in English, watching the older scroll down his VLIVE channel page, then tap out of it and open twitter.

"I'm gonna tweet that we're gonna do the V Live." Woojin said, typing something in and looking up at Jiyu, who sat across from the two. She had her head tilted, watching them prepare.

"You're announcing the Forecast channel, right?" she asked, Woojin returning to typing as Taeyang answered.

"Yeah, and we'll do Chen's birthday surprise after that." Taeyang whispered, glancing past the girl and at the door just in case anyone was to walk in. Woojin quickly looked up, going over to the mirror that was along the wall to fix little strands of his hair. After a few seconds, he returned back to the two, sitting down again.

"We starting?" Taeyang asked, followed by Woojin's nod as he glanced at the younger, fixing his hair as well. Jiyu laughed a little, turning towards the mirror for a moment to check herself but without getting out of her chair.

"You guys go ahead and start, I'll go get the others." she said, flashing a smile as she went out the door, quickly taking a turn to find the soon-to-be debuted members of Forecast.

"Testing, testing..." Woojin smiled, speaking as he started the livestream. Of course, the scream was a few seconds behind and within thirty seconds people started arriving and talking on the chat.

"Hey everyone," he smiled, waving to the camera. Taeyang sat a distance away in the chair next to him, almost cut out of frame. "I'm here with Taeyang," Woojin began, pulling Taeyang over into the frame as he said his name. "Say hi,"

"Hello everyone," Taeyang smiled, receiving recognition from the chat.

"Hi, Hello Taeyang, Hello, Hi there, Good Afternoon..." Woojin read from the chat, stopping himself and answering back, "Good afternoon to you too," before continuing. "Oh, Taeyang, why don't you tell everyone the purpose of this livestream?"

Taeyang raised an eyebrow at the older, only to be kicked in the leg under the table. With an "ouch" he began, "F.O.X hyung is letting us promote our VLIVE channel today - the channel's named 'FORECAST' and it should be linked in the chat in a moment." he smiled, pointing the direction the chat would be on the screen, then confusing himself with the mirror-like properties of video recording. The door of the room opened, both of the singers looking up.

"Look who's here, c'mere guys," Woojin smiled, gesturing the two boys who had entered over towards the table. The shorter of the two was Kaito, who rushed over and appeared in the camera's frame. "Hey everyone! You should totally check out the new FORECAST VLIVE channel! There'll probably be some super awesome stuff on there soon!"

"Yep, it'll be really cool." Taeyang replied, reading through the chat. Woojin and the taller boy who had entered made eye contact, mouthing words to each other.

"So, um..." the boy began, his deep voice being picked up by the phone's microphone. "I'm apparently not allowed to be on camera but I'd like to tell y'all to follow that channel..."

"Because then you'll get to see more of him after... the 15th?" Kaito finished, glancing up waiting for approval.

"Yeah," he sighed casually, sitting down in a chair. "Look out for me." he added in English, leaning back in the chair tiredly.

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