Cassandra "Cassie" Ellis is a fresh graduate out of high school and is ready to take a break from reality. Accompanied by a close group of friends, she decides to take a vacation to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in hopes of having a great summer. The...
"It was 102°, nothin' to do, man it was hot, so we jumped in.." ~ Dan and Shay, "19 You and Me"
{Thursday Afternoon/Evening - Cassandra's POV}
"Holy hell its hot," Erica remarked when we climbed out of the car at our hotel, Marriott's OceanWatch Villas.
"Stephan picked a nice hotel," I added, admiring the tall building looming over us.
I rolled my suitcase out of the trunk of the car, shutting the door behind me. We all proceeded to meet Stephan and his friend, Christian, at the entrance of the main room, Jasmine in the lead. She greeted her brother with a friendly smile as he took her bags on his shoulder.
"Aw, Steph, how sweet of you!" Erica remarked at his behavior.
"Which room are we in Steph?" I asked. "Floor 7, rooms 720-724," he replied, leading us in the direction of the elevators.
We all climbed into the small space, our luggage pushing us against the walls. As the elevator rose to the 7th floor, I checked my phone. I noticed a few people liked some of my photos on Instagram, but that's about it.
As we exited the elevator, some other teenagers were boarding it, all dressed in swimwear, ready to hit the pool or beach I assume. One of them, a tall, muscular guy around Stephan's age maybe, looked shockingly familiar.
"Jasmine, I think I recognize that kid," I whispered, motioning towards the brunette on the elevator.
"Really? From where?" She asked.
"8th grade," was all I said before entering my hotel room.
Samantha, Jasmine, Erica and I all had our own separate rooms, and Stephan and Christian shared a room. I set my suitcase down by the bed of my huge suite and started unpacking. I put all of my clothes on either hangers in the closet or in the dressers by the TV. All of my toiletries went neatly in the bathroom. I stored my now empty suitcase underneath the bed.
Gathering my phone and room key up off the bed, I ventured into Jasmine's room where the four of them were currently standing around a table.
"Okay, now that we're all here, what's tonight's plan?" Jasmine asked excitedly.
"Well, maybe we could go venture out tonight and explore the town? Maybe grab a bite to eat at a nice place, and ride some carnival rides they have down at the pier," I suggested. Everyone nodded in agreement, and it was settled. Those were tonight's plans.
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