Good for you

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I'm good for you

You never hear that . But that in fact in the case she is good for me . I smile as she walks pass and she sends a simple wink my way, I just swoon in her presence.

I never thought that I, straightest girl at South Cobb High School would be falling for a girl, let alone be in relationship with one. I grip my books tighter walking to my first block class .

The guys greet with smile as well as some of the females and the teachers . I sent a simple wave and a closed lip smile sitting at my seat, next to the lovely Camila Cabello .

"Hi babe" I duck my head lowly to hide my blush .

"Hi Mila" I whisper in a hushed tone .

She continues to stare at me with a wide smile on her face . I turn my head to look at her, all I can do is smile .

I completely dazed out as a watch her beautiful features. Her jaw line clenched a bit with her smile as she tossed her hair around .

I find a way to turn away from her and pay attention what the teacher is saying. I feel her hand slip into my mine and tense looking around to see if anyone can see us .

I relax a bit realizing that we are sitting in the back of class where no one can see . She leans over to my ear with a small smile .

"It's alright baby . Nobody can see us" her tone was hushed. I nodded releasing a content sigh .

"Can I come over today" she looked over at me once more and nodded . "Of course"

We walk out of the class talking about god knows what . Me talking to her brings a smile to my face . I nod after every sentence letting her know that I'm listening to her .

"So then the pinche striker kicked me right in my damn shin . Mani I swear it hurt so bad!"

I pouted looking down at her leg . "I'm sorry baby, I'll take care of it after school okay" she nodded grinning . "I love you"

I giggle with a slight blush . "I love yo-"

"aye Cabello ! Soccer game after school, you coming !"

I gave her a side eye, and sighed knowing she's probably going to go . " actually" she looked at me discreetly and back to her friends .

"I think Ima kick it with my girl today" I blushed, she's never blown off her friends to hang out with me before .

They all looked confused but nodded anyways . Nobody knew Camila and I were together and that was my idea.

I just wasn't ready for everyone to find out because .. I've never been in love before . She just makes me melt . She's so good for me .

I'm good for her . Well at least that's what her mom says . Sinu constantly reminds me of how I changed Camila's life for the better since we've been dating and it makes my heart leap to know I could have such an impact of her .

"Well I guess I should get to class" I tucked my head low grinning .

"Okay baby girl, we can meet up st the parking lot after school .

"Okay. Bye babe" I blow a kiss and she catches it with a face eating grin .

I walk away smiling . I'm always do when it comes in Camila.

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