Chapter #1: Introduction Of Myself.

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January 14, 2017

Dear Diary:

My actual name is Katherine Louise Ayala, I'm 17 years old, I have Black long straight hair and Hazel eyes. Basically, I'm a regular girl even though I actually feel that something in me is not normal but I guess I have to live without knowing what exactly it is. I don't have a boyfriend and I don't like anyone at the moment because I haven't met the perfect Prince Charming of my life yet, well I guess I should keep on dreaming with that prince, right? Oh well, I don't need a boy anyways, may time decide when he will present him to me. Actually, I live on a not normal house if I'm honest, there's always some new drama that happens here. I'm currently at a school that I hate with all my soul, I just don't belong there and don't even want to be there.

I was even going to drop out of it and go to another school, but my parents didn't want to let me drop off and change me to the other school. I know that the question is obviously: "Why do I hate that school so much?" Well, the answer is that there are hypocrite people everywhere and very bad teachers, I just can't handle it. I've been 5 years there but I can't handle it anymore. But I have to stay there until I finish my senior year I guess because they are forcing me to stay there, so oh well. I have to admit I'm not a girl of many friends because as I said before, it's a school full of hypocrites and most of the time I'm alone in the classroom because it's like if I didn't know anyone, no one in my group speaks to me.

The only ones that have demonstrated true friendship to me and had been on the bright and dark times always with me had been Joshua who is from other school and Amara who is in my school but not on the same group as me. The others whether have failed to me or they hate me for no reason but I don't even care anymore, to be honest, I don't want to get hurt anymore. Everyone in my school has like their own groups of friends that they only talk to and to be honest almost everyone ignores me as if I weren't normal or something like that, but that just helps me be stronger and less weak. There's this girl or my school called Jane, to be honest, she has never tolerated me I don't even know why but what I do know is that she has been playing this game she invented with her apparent best friend Gretchen and she's like obsessed with it. Actually, I found it a little bit risky in the past and I once told her not to play it but she just ignored me and instead roasted me.

Even though the game is like a total escape from reality and sounds intriguing I actually find it totally cool now, I don't know but now I see it like that, who knows maybe someday I will give it a chance. In these last days I had been like a little bit out of control of myself and to be honest I'm not myself anymore, I noticed a huge change on me. This change is all thanks to the people that have hurt me once in the past or present. Some features of my face and body changed along with my personality I don't know why. But I have to thank everyone that hurt me because I'm like way better than before, It feels way better to be like this, I like myself better this way than before, to be honest.

Now I even like other genres of music I once told I hated, my mind thinks totally different and clearly now for how it did before; and I'm actually starting to like it. Actually now I just think about an escape, I want a drastic change in my life, I want to do things I've never done before, but who knows maybe yes or maybe not? Let's see what my mind will decide further.

That's all I had to say today...

Dear diary: until next time!

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