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Let's get this over with.

First off. Here are the keywords. Or the acronyms for the junk you'll be seeing.

Just in case that this is your first 'X reader' story. Here are the basics.

(Y/N) means (your name)
(F/N) means (first name)
(S/N) means (second name)
(M/N) means (middle name)
(L/N) means (last name)
(F/F) means (favorite food)

Eh.... You'll just get it.

P.S. That picture above is you. I just had to. If I were to put junk like: (hair length) and etc. it would affect the whole story, so yeah. I made your own O.C. Er.. Or character. I also drew that. I'm a pretty decent sketcher. Or drawer. In my opinion. Shoot. I just heard myself and it felt like I addressed myself as a type of furniture. ;-;

Anyways though, your name will still be yours. But I just already put what you look like. It's not like I'm saying your ugly and junk.

I bet your pretty cool and beautiful! Even if you don't think so! I'm being sincere. Even though if you're a stranger. All peeps are pretty, unique and beautiful.

Here's your O.C. Information:
Name: (F/N) (S/N) (M/N) (L/N)
Hair Length: Meduim
Hair Color: Black-Auburn-ish
Skin Tone: White-Brown-ish
Height: About the same height as Inktale Sans. A bit shorter though so Inktale Sans is taller than you. So... You're pretty short. And I'm one of the shortest in my class. ;-; Don't be mad. Bear it with me with the teasing.
Eye Color: Dark Brown (*le gasp* Just like le author!! :D)
Size: Chubby-ish (All peeps are chubby. ;-; even the thinnest. Trust me. Where do you think they got their soft cheeks from then? Even you may have soft cheeks!)
Personality: Kinda like a tsundere. If you don't know what a tsundere is. A tsundere is a person who acts hard and cold at times. But once you get to know them. They're really kind and nice. There are a lot of tsunderes in this world. ;-; If someone calls you a 'baka'. Welp. You got a tsundere in your hands!! :D but don't worry. You're not THAT hard and cold. You're shy and junk. And that's it.
You're also really good in P.E., Art, Music, Health. Well. Let's just say you're a really really smart person. And an athletic one to be exact.

Anyways, that's it! ENJOY!!

The New Exchange Student (AU Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now