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This may be the most TRIGGERING chapter about suicide, suicide attempt, self-harm, depression and more such dark themes I have EVER written in my entire user life being on WATTPAD.

If you are triggered easily. Please do this for yourself and not continue to read this. Guys, please, I'm being serious here. I know it may sound fun to read this just because I told you "easily-triggered-souls" to not read this. Please.

These day's... Uh... I've been having bad days often lately... So I decided to put all these feelings into one chapter. It's kind of my stress relief... I haven't been feeling like myself.. And I've been feeling really.... uh.... empty?

It's just that... I'm unable to feel happiness. Or something. Unable to feel... encouragement? From my parents? I tried my best last school year, I won academic awards I guess. They were happy. But not... supportive...eh...

If you don't understand what the feeling "emptiness" is... well.. then... let's just imagine it like this.. because I don't really want to bestow this curse on anyone. Anyway, pretend like... you're hungry. Like, REALLY hungry but you're unable to eat. You're thirsty.. but you're unable drink.. you're... really exhausted, but unable to sleep.

That is how it feels to be... empty. Being unable to be happy. To feel... anything positive. Anyway, before rambling anything else.

Turn around, don't read this if you're a fragile soul. This is your last warning.




Don't say I never warned you.

What happened? Why do you remember them again? Why is it so hard to forget them for once? You want this to stop. This... this pain.

You held your head as whispers enveloped you. You wanted to scream. How did it come to this?

After all the moments. Good and bad. Though... You still enjoyed your time with the skeletons.

They were funny, hilarious, incredibly annoying sometimes, other than that. They were really sweet to you.

They were one of the kindest people you've met. Even though if some of 'em were very tsundere and all that. They were still pretty cool to hang with.

And you cared about them more or less.  You loved them because of the kindness they showed you.

No matter who you are. No matter how you looked. No matter how weird you were. They loved you back. Platonically. (Well, at times. But they don't always love you platonically. If you know what I mean.)

For the first time, you actually smiled and laughed. Genuinely.

You didn't want this to end. You wanted this feeling to stay. You wanted GENUINE HAPPINESS to stay. You wanted them to stay in your life.

Because they made you happy. But... nothing ever stays. Everything ends. Or leaves. Such as friends, family. Happiness.

You were getting tired. You just didn't want to try anymore. Much less care. Time seems to be frozen.

Everything was eternal. Like this emptiness inside you.

The New Exchange Student (AU Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now