~*Ketchup? Or...?*~

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Slowly, all the others started to wake up from their slumber. Sleeping Beauties. I know, right? I'm kidding, though, it sounds funny when you read it again.

Anyways, the first to wake up was Blueberry. He went in the kitchen. And started squealing, it was loud, but not loud enough to wake you up. Since you were a heavy sleeper. But don't worry, you'll become a light sleeper. Which is unfortunate by the way.

His squealing woke everyone but you up. Everyone groaned in annoyance.

"BLUEBERRY. SHUT UP." A grumpy voice said that sounded a lot like that Fell guy you pinned yesterday.

"BUT SOMEBODY MADE WAFFLES!! IF YOU GUYS DON'T WANT IT!! IMMA EAT IT ALL!!" Blueberry squealed. As quick as lightning. All the others ran in the kitchen. Their...mouths..? Watered at the sight in front of them. Beholding... The towering waffles. Everyone sat down at the large table. Eh... But since there weren't enough seats and space. Some decided to just eat anywhere, like in the living room.

Cross was the one who decided to eat in the living room. Along with five others named Error, Nightmare, Ganz, Reaper, and some other guy named Fresh. They noticed you sleeping at the very edge of the couch. Hugging your knees.

"I think she was the one who made the waffles." Ganz said. Sitting at the other side of the couch. Far away from you.

"We should probably give her some space." Cross suggested. Sitting 6 meters away from you.

"Yeah. She'll probably pin one of us against the wall or something." Reaper said.

You started stirring. You opened your eyes.

"Ugh, what time is it?" You asked. Rubbing your eyes.

"It's 6:34." Ganz replied. You immediately stood. Causing the eating skeletons around you to get startled.

"OH SHOOT." You yelled as you jumped from the couch to you and Cross' room. You tripped but you stood up again and ran to your shared room like with no tomorrow.

"Uh, (Y/N)? Did you forget something?" Cross called out to you. You slammed the door close, locking it. You rummaged through your stuff, changing.

You currently took off your last sweater. And you were currently wearing a t-shirt that says 'Quirks are da best bish' and decided to wear another layer. Which of course is a sweater.

A plain black sweater. It was cold out. Alright? Who was to judge you? You also decided to wear leggings, combat boots, and a grey bonnet.

You grabbed your wallet and keys. You had a motorcycle. Proof right there that you're freaking BAD ASS. Ahem. Sorry. Pardon my language. Anyways, you opened the door. And ran out, slamming into Ganz.

"I'M SORRY." You apologized as you helped him up. You turned and ran towards the main door. The door that leads to freedom. The door that- I'll stop. Sorry, got carried away.

You opened the door and ran yelling; "CROSS, I'M GOING TO THE BOOK STORE."

You forgot about buying your supplies, school supplies. How silly of you (Y/N). Shush, no pointing fingers that I was the one who wrote the story. You were the one who forgot. Moving on.

You also forgot to buy groceries. Like you said so this morning. You ran to the parking lot just in front of the section A dorm building. And started your motorcycle.

Once you finally arrived at the mall, you know, that place where there are tons of stores that satisfies your daily needs or wants. That place where you buy stuff. Or waste your money on novelty items. I'm kidding, of course you know what a mall is. Or do you?

Anyways, you parked your motorcycle. Running at the opening mall. Fortunately for you. You passed by this mall when your dad was dropping you off yesterday in a pick-up truck on the school grounds. Er, or dorm grounds.

And that this mall, for the sake of the students, opens at 5:00 a.m. and closes at 11:00 p.m. So yeah. Luck is definitely on your side... For now.

Long story short, you bought all the stuff you needed and wanted and rode back to your dorm place thingy.

Welp, let's say you were so tired. You fell face first on the couch. And you just went shopping! And there's a lot more of this in the near future. Yep. Sucks for you.

Anyways. You just stayed in that position for 5 minutes. You were also planning to stay in that position for a bit longer. Well, until Cross asked you what's wrong.

"I WENT SHOPPING FOR SUPPLIES. AND EVERYTHING IN THIS STUPID FRAGILE MORTAL BODY ACHES." You replied loudly. You sat up. Trying to remember the incident at the bookstore. "The clerk at the bookstore was so ignorant and hardheaded. Seriously! She wouldn't even accept my credit card! She insisted she'll only accept cash since she 'didn't want that many paperwork' in the end of the day."

"Better get used to it. A lot of stores doesn't go easy on students." Cross said as he picked up some of the stuff you dropped. He rummaged through the stuff and found a bottle of red liquid like sauce. "What is this? Is this ketchup?"

Just as Cross said that. Classic came running in and grabbed the 'ketchup' from Cross' hands. He popped the lid-thingy off of the bottle and chugged away. You were lost for words.

When he stopped. Almost half the bottle was empty.

"That... That wasn't ketchup." You say. Classic looked at you then his whole skull erupted in red, he dropped the bottle. "That was hot sauce."

(I'm sorry 😂😂😂, I just had to

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(I'm sorry 😂😂😂, I just had to.)

You bolted to the kitchen coming out with a glass of milk. You looked around, trying to find Classic. And then you heard the bathroom faucet running.

"WATER MAKES IT WORSE." You called to him. Right after that. A really loud scream was heard. Everyone looked confused. "MILK HELPS."

"Where'd that scream come from?" Fell asked. You pointed at the dropped hot sauce. Everyone face-palmed. Classic came running to you and grabbed the glass of milk and drank it. He fell down on the couch.

You muffled a laugh.

"You guys are the weirdest people I've ever met in my whole entire life." You said between laughs.

"Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?" Ganz asked. You laughed harder.

"It's a good thing. A really good thing." You replied still laughing. Well, guess you're stuck with these guys. At least they're interesting. They never cease to amaze you.

Lucky you (Y/N), lucky you.

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