II. "Let The Game Begin."

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Amalthea stepped into the mall. She wore a black hat with her hair in a ponytail, sunglasses, and leather black pants with a short sleeved black shirt and heels.

She walked into the first store and began searching for clothes. They were mostly disguises because her fashion style was much too cheque for these commoners.

When she was done there she went into the book store and got three armfuls of books.

After taking her stuff to her flat (221D, Sherlock had no idea they were neighbors.) She walked upstairs to talk with her brother.

She walked in, without knocking. Sherlock and a man she didn't know stood facing each other.

Both their heads snapped to her direction.

"Am I interrupting something?" she asked with a smirk, leaning against the wall.

"Oh, Sherlock, is this the help? Aren't ordinary people just adorable, trying to be smart."

Amalthea glared at him. "Shall we throw him out the window, or hit him over the head til his skull crushes, brother?"

Moriarty's mouth turned upward into a grin. "The great Sherlock Holmes has a sister! Oh, this is perfect!"

"And you are?" Amalthea asked in a bored tone.

"Jim Moriarty," he said taking her hand and kissing it. He grinned at her. "Consulting Criminal. What's your name, kitten?"

"Amalthea, leave," Sherlock said through gritted teeth.

She held her hands up in surrender. "Let me know when tweedle-dumb over here leaves." She walked out of the apartment.

Moriarty turned back to his foe and grinned. "Amalthea," he said tasting the name on his tongue. Sherlock's eyes hardened.

"She is not apart of this," he said.

"She was not apart of this," Moriarty said. "But now she is. She seems much more fun than you. But don't worry, Sherly, you and I have not finished our game just yet. I do believe it's my move."
"Well," Amalthea said taking a puff of a cigarette. She was stretched across the couch.

Sherlock sat in a chair across from her, spinning the spoon in his tea. Mrs. Hudson walked over and handed a cup of tea to Amalthea.

"Thank you, very much, Mrs. Hudson," Amalthea said.

"You're welcome, dear. Just remember I'm not your housekeeper." She walked out and Amalthea smiled.

"I like that lady."

"You shouldn't have walked in," Sherlock snapped.

"Oh, do shove it, Sherly. I can do what I bloody please. I'm a grown woman. If you need help getting him arrested, I'm here."

Sherlock paused for a minute. "Are you still a good hacker?"

Amalthea grinned. "I'll order pizza and bring my computer here tonight. Get some sleep, Sherly. We're taking down a consulting criminal in Westwood."
Amalthea sat next to Sherlock in comfortable clothes later that night. She took a bite of pizza with her computer on the table.

John sat on the other chair looking on edge.

"So, um, w-what are we doing?"

"I'm going to hack into Mr. Moriarty's computer and have some fun," Amalthea said cracking her knuckles.

"Let's begin."

She began typing away at the computer, furiously. Her eyes glued to the screen intently and each move of her fingers held meaning.

"I'm past one of the firewalls, but there's some more. He's defiantly got security tighter than Buckingham palace."

"Can you get in?" John asked. Sherlock and Amalthea glared at him simultaneously and then looked at each other.

"I hacked into NASA at seven years old," Amalthea said in an annoyed voice. She smirked in victory.

"I'm in."

Sherlock jumped up and stood over her shoulder.

"Send the location to the authorities."

"Done. Come on, Sherly, who do you think I am? I sent it to Mycroft and Lestrade. I also crashed his system. Payback for calling me 'ordinary'."

"Well done," Sherlock said. "Let's hope it works."

"Yes, let's. We'll know by tomorrow." She stood to her feet and stretched. "I'm going to bed, I'll see you both in the morning."

"Perhaps you should stay the night," Sherlock said. "Just in case something happens on the computer."

"You're worried about me." Amalthea grinned. "I'll be fine, big brother. Night!"

She walked out and up to her apartment. She fumbled with her keys then turned on the light switch and inhaled sharply.

The place was a mess. The table was turned, things were broken and ransacked.

"I should probably take Sherlock up on his offer," she murmured.

Her phone dinged and she unlocked it, looking down at the text in her hand.

Nice move, kitten. You took my knight. Now I take your rook. Let the game begin.

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