IV. "You be the Moon, I'll be the Earth."

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Amalthea checked herself in the mirror of the cab. She wore a low cut black dress, covered by a black coat and red lipstick.

Finally reaching her destination, she paid the driver and stepped out. She descended into the building. The smell of chlorine filled her nostrils and she saw a table with candles and dinner on it set up in the middle of the room.

"You came," Moriarty said stepping out so she could see him.

"Did you think I wouldn't?"

"I wasn't sure if you were like your brothers. On the side of the angels."

She slightly smiled. "I'm not, but you still ransacked my flat. So this does not make us friends."

He gestured for her to sit and she did after taking off her jacket and draping it over her chair.

He poured alcohol into their cups and took his seat. He stared at her over the candles.

"So, Mr. Moriarty, do tell me, why have you called me here?"

"Call me Jim," he said. She raised an eyebrow and he chuckled.

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Yes. I just want to hear the words from your mouth."

"Then why don't you prove how smart you are?" he teased.

"No," she said.


"I don't have to prove my intellectual capacity to you. It's obvious your bored and searching for a distraction. You think because I'm the Holmes girl I'll be easy to fool with or use as leverage. I will be neither."

He grinned. "Clever girl," he sang. "Clever, clever girl."

She brought her wine to her lips and looked at him. "Are you going to share your proposition? Or do you expect me to fall at your feet and offer myself to you because you're a bad boy  with a high IQ?"

"I would like you to join my side," he said. "The winning side."

She rolled her eyes and took a swig of her drink. She placed the drink on the table and began tapping her nails.

"How adorable," she said. "The problem with people like you is they are always so bored and so superior to everyone. I share the arrogance but not the boredom. You're also too impatient."

"I've fooled your brother," Moriarty said.

"He, too, is bored."

"And you aren't?"

"I find pleasure in studying the brain and how easy it is to bend people's thoughts. Or get in the mind set of a killer. I find life very interesting. You are a spoiled brat, Mr. Moriarty."

"Jim," he corrected. She stood to her feet, pulling on her jacket.

"And your futile attempts at trying to intoxicate me in hopes of getting intimate are laughable and pathetic."

He stood to his feet as well. "I can't let you leave," he said and two red dots appeared on her chest. She rolled her eyes.

"Honestly, Jim, I'm offended." She snapped her fingers and the dots were gone. "I've just taken two of your pawns, now it's your move." She turned and left the pool, leaving Moriarty fuming.

His anger quickly melted to amusement.

"Oh, kitten, I was right. You are going to be quite the plaything. Very well, if it's my move. I wonder....is Sherlock a Bishop or Knight?"

 I Need a Gangsta//Jim MoriartyWhere stories live. Discover now