CHAPTER 5: Darkness

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CHAPTER 5: Darkness

They began to walk down the trail which is sheilded by tall green trees. Each step Daniel took he felt as if he was making an earth quake because of how loud the leaves crackling under his feet were. Each time he heard something he'd pull out the gun, being unsure of how World One was at night, he was paranoid. The darkness of the night began to take over  his vision, and was like a blanket over the world. A blanket of paranoya, yet calmness.

Bethanie: You wanna know something. I knew you acted like this right when i saw you, right before you even opened your mouth.

Daniel: Huh? *in a suprised manner* what do you mean?

Bethanie: You act like your, like. I don't know how to explain it. Forget it lets keep going, were almost at my house.

Daniel begins to walk with her, out of nowhere they here people talking. Bethanie puts her hand on Daniels chest insinuating that he needs to stop walking.

Bethanie: Shhh! *in a whisper* Do you hear that? It's up ahead. Lets go check it out..

Daniel: The fuck?! I'm going back to Le-

Bethanie: Shhh!!! Do you want them to hear you?

Daniel: Fuck.

Bethanie tells Daniel to follow her. They begin to slowly creep behind a bush, as they get closer to the talking they begin to hear what sounds like a girl screaming.

Girl: MMMMM!!! *muffled voice*

Guy One: Ahh shut the bitch up!

Guy Two: Boss should we see if she has anything on her?

Guy One: Yeah check, then were gonna rape that nice pussy of hers hahaha!

Guy Three: Yo i found some money in her bag!

Guy One: Good, check for anything thats valuable. Then we can take it back to Nate.

As they begin to get closer to the noise, they start to see three men. Each are wearing pink bandanas over their face, and have Ak-47's in hand. Their all by a fire that is slowly dying out. There's a girl, laying on the floor with her mouth taped, and her legs and hands tied. She looks about 17, has blonde hair, and is wearing only a tanktop and blue jeans. She's screaming for help but she has tape over her mouth. The three men are looking through her bag, trying to search for money or anything valuable. Daniel's stomach begins to churn. He can't bare to watch this. He reaches for his gun-

Bethanie: What are you doing! *whispers*

Daniel: We can't just sit here and watch this shit go down! We need to do something!

Bethanie: You might shoot one. But you'll get killed right away, look at what they have! It's your first day here! Control yourself. Lets wait and see.

Daniel: I am in control beth, that's why i have this gun, to shoot anything bad.

Bethanie: And that's why were going to try and sneak past them, we don't want any trouble. I'm serious.

Daniel: Fine. Lets go.

They began to crouch and walk past them from behind the bushes. Out of nowhere one of the guys hear something.

Guy One: Yo did you hear that shit?! What was that!

Guy Two: I don't know, go check. I heard it from over there *points to bushes*

Daniel and Bethanie stay completely still. One of the men come over and begin to look at the bushes, checking if they will make another rustle.  They stay completely still.

Guy Two: No ones here i guess, forget it. Lets get back to raping that bitch ahaha ayee!!

Guy One: Ayyeee!!!

Guy Three: Ayyee!!!!

They walk over to the girl and smack her in the face. She screams. They begin to pull down her pants. As they do that Daniel and Bethanie sneak past them and walk for 20 minutes more until they reach her house.

Bethanie: Were here! Phew, that was close danny, now imagine if your dumbass wouldve done something! We would be dead right now.

Daniel: Yeah i know. But i don't give a fuck, we'll die when were older anyways so its whatever .

Bethanie: Ahh shut up *pushes Daniel*

Lets get inside before something else happens haha

They go inside her house, a dark colored house that is made of tightly packed walls. The door is a bunch of beads that shake when you go through them.

Bethanie: Come in! Me casa to casa! haha *takes a seat on bed*

Daniel: Well this place looks pretty cool haha.

The inside of bethanies house is very calming, it has soothing music playing. The music has no words, it's just instruments creating a soothing track which if it wanted to play over and over it could. That's how good it was. The house had a miniature kitchen with a small fridge and oven. The walls were a creamy tan. Her bed was a small bed that could only fit about two people. Her sheets were flower printed and her pillows were a normal black.

Bethanie: Yo sit down haha *pats her bed*

Daniel: Ight. *sits near her*

Bethanie: So you wanna smoke?

Daniel: I told you i didn't smoke beth.

Bethanie: Don't worry, it's just you and me, no one else. *puts her hand on daniels*

Daniel: Bethanie..

Bethanie kisses Daniel, she then bends over and grabs a ziplock bag filled with 5 pre-rolled blunts. She lights one up, and begins to inhale. She blows out the smoke and gives it to Daniel. Daniel looks up at her with hesitant eyes. Not knowing if what he's about to do is right or wrong.

Bethanie: Go ahead, were alone.

Daniel begins to inhale the blunt. He begins to cough from how hard he sucked in the smoke. They smoke for about a half an our. Then...

Bethanie: Do you know.

Daniel: Um, i don't know that shits weird.

Bethanie: Wait what do you mean? Why's it weird...wait...are you a..

Daniel: No i'm not, i'm not. It's just on some weird shit...

They sit there in silence. Both staring at the floor. Then out of nowhere Daniel hears something in his head. The words of Leo begin to replay over and over inside his thoughts, "Get that pussy, get that pussy, get that pussy, get that pussy, get that pussy." Daniel then looks at Bethanie and tells her yes. They begin to grab on each other and kiss. What Bethanie doesn't know is that, Daniel is a virgin. He lied because, I mean, who wants to tell someone their a virgin? Not many... Bethanie turns off the lights and they proceed with their actions.

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