CHAPTER 4: Nathanial Vs. Leo

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CHAPTER 4: Nathanial Vs. Leo

Nathanial: Yoo, waddup faggot! Sit the fuck down nigga! Snort some coke, watch some tv, chilll *slowly sliding downwards in his chair*

Daniel: I don't do that stuff bruh bruh

Nathanial: Oh you straight haha i seee, nigga don't worry everyone here has done it, everyone at this camp!  *puts hands in the air*

Remmy: Nate, i have a question do I put the-

BOOM! A gunshot goes off and Remmy is on the floor dead. Lying there. Nathanial basically just killed him off like a fly, not thinking maybe he had a girlfriend, or wanted to go back home to see his family. He just shot him.

Nathanial: Don't FUCKING interrupt me you disrespectful peace of shit! *screaming at his lifeless body*

Nathanial looks up at Daniel and smiles.

Nathaniel: Now where were we. Oh yeah! Like i was saying everyone does it! So don't worry nigga you ain't gonna be the odd one if you do it.

Daniel: I just don't like that, i'm more of a laid back type of guy .

Nathanial: Just try it, this ones on the house!

Daniel: Nah man, i'm good.

Nathanial: Alright suit yourself man.

Daniel sits down and begins to bite his nails, trying not to look nervous. He then pulls out his phone and looks at the time. It's only 5 pm. Out of nowhere.

Nathanial: Fuck! Leo needs to die damnit! He's always fucking things up! How are we gonna get the moola when he's taking all our customers!

Daniel: *hesitates* whats wrong with you and him.

Nathanial: Your new here, so i'll explain. Leo and I were friends, no joke. We were. But then he felt like breaking up our drug selling shabang and now he and my men fight all the time. I told him let me keep selling my shit, and he can just chill with me, he doesn't need to sell. But noooo, He decides to start up his own buisness and  sells weed. He thinks he owns this whole place and he doesn't. So i want him dead.

Daniel: Ohhh, i see.

Daniel gets up and walks outside of his cabin. He takes one more look at it as he walks down the two step stair case which separates him and the cabin. The cabin is made of a beautiful brown wood, it has tightly packed leaves which serve as a roof and a tape which covers corners and cracks. There's two windows which show almost a complete view of the whole camp.

Daniel: I gotta go find that girl...what was her name...shit.

Daniel begins to walk down a sidewalk with grass on each side of it. He feels like he's in Florida from how much sun is out and how green and bright everything feels. As he walks down the sidewalk he passes 3 kids, each of them are wearing Yellow, Green, and red colored bandanas around their heads. The colors merge perfectly together.

Levi: Hahahah yall muffuckas got me fucked up! Hahahah *coughing*

Pedro: Yoo nah but did you guys hear about that new kid? Danny? I think. *Puts blunt to his lips*

Def: Yeah supposebly he's killed someone or someshit, but i heard he's like mad chill so if we seem him lets say something to him! maybe introduce him to Leo ha *nudges Pedros Shoulder*

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