CHAPTER 8: Losses

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CHAPTER 8: Losses

Daniel, Jordan, Levi, Leo, Ricky, Armani, Quan, and Jordan are walking up to the big ware house. It's white and has double doors that are made out of old wood.

There's music playing loud from the inside, but it's so loud you could hear it from the outside. A large amount of people are also walking to the same place they are. Some of them pass by shouting Leo's and Danny's names. Some shout Jordan and Armani's, few shout Ricky and Quan's. They finally make it and it looks like they're going to have to wait in line. When out of nowhere Leo tells them to walk with him. Leo and the other's begin to jip the random strangers that wait in line. They reach the door and a bouncer comes out of nowhere asking questions.

Bouncer: Excuse me what the fuck do you guys think your doing jipping all these-

Leo: Ayye big guy! It's me Leo man! Calm down haha

Bouncer: Oh Leo! Sorry man, are those people with you?

Leo: Haha yeah bro

Bouncer: Come right in! Oh and leo *places hand on shoulder and leans in* Leo might be coming. *whispers*

Leo: *ignores what he says* ALRIGHT GUYS LETS GET THE FUCK IN THERE!

Daniel, and his friends walk straight in. The atmosphere is wild, there's music in the air, girls everywhere, it's a festival inside a box. They begin to walk through the crowd and see a bar at the end of the club. Daniel doesn't drink but everyone else does. He stands there in the middle of a crowd filled with people dancing when out of nowhere Leo comes up to him. They must scream just to be heard because of how loud the music is.

Leo: Yo you wanna Dj? Put some good songs if you know any? *screaming over the music to be heard*

Daniel: Fuck yeah bro lets do it! ahha!

Daniel and Leo run up the stairs which lead into the Dj booth. Leo gives Daniel a pair of headphones and he begins to jam to what Daniel begins to play. Meanwhile Jordan, Armani, Quan, and Ricky are at the bar drinking.

Jordan: Yo? You know whaaaa?? I think does god have to be white? Like whyz he white?

Armani: Jordan i think your drunk

Jordan: I'm not! I just think that like..why, i mean like. Jesus was a nigga right?

Armani: Shut up.

Leo: Yo guys i'm back! Danny's up in the dj booth doing shit haha!

Quan: Leo why the fuck do you always look high!

Leo: What?! *puts hand to his ear*

Quan: I said why do you always look high! *into Leo's ear*

Leo: Oh that's cause i am dude! Hahaha!

Ricky: I think i'm gonna go! It's to loud in hear!

Leo: Bruh it's a dance party thing what do you expect haha!

As they all conversate from the inside, Izek is busy outside plotting what he'll do inside his thoughts. He gets up to the front of the line and the bouncer lets him in. He begins to walk through the crowd, bumping into peoples shoulder's and walking past annoyed remarks. Izek begins to look around and sees Leo and his friends sitting at the bar.

Izek: Shit... Where is he...

Izek begins to keep walking and decides to aim his view a bit higher. He sees Daniel Dj-ing in the room which is up a flight of stairs. He begins to walk uo each step, trying to avoid being seen by anyone who might know him. He is slowly walking up the stairs growing closer to Daniel. Each step is making his hands shake, Izek is nervous as he walks up each step. He begins to grip the gun tighter and tighter. He gets up to the room and finally enters it. He begins to raise the gun slowly as Daniel is Dj-ing. Out of nowhere Daniel hears the click of Izeks gun and turns around.

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