Chapter 13

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Hey guys! Before I start this chapter, just know that I have been very busy with school, so please understand that and don't delete this story >.< Another thing, I'm glad you guys are enjoying this book, it has been fun to write actually, and I'm glad you all like it (: So, with that, I hope you guys enjoy this next chapter (;

Niall's P.O.V

My heart is racing, and my head is pounding through thoughts as I hear arguing and screaming girl coming through as I realzie what had just happened. I'm pretty mad, but she didn't know better. To her, It's normal to have two dads. I can't be mad at her, just mad at the situation that everyone is making such a big deal out of this. I sigh as I hear my name along with Harry's and Larissa's to go to another "private room" to "talk" about things.

We walk into the room and I sit next to Harry and Larissa is attached to me, with tears in her eyes. I wipe them away and make circles on her back, telling her to calm down, and she does. Management is pacing back and forth, shaking their heads looking at us. I hate it, if I want to love someone then that shouldn't be a problem. Management usually has more people but for right now it's a girl with brownish hair with glasses and a guy with black hair and kind of chubby. The girl speaks up finally after an akaward silence. "I know how we can stop this." She says looking up at the guy. The guy nods on for her to continue and I just sit there glaring at them both. "We need to get rid of the girl." And that's when my blood boils.

"To hell you are. You won't dare touch our daughter!" I yell and she stiffens a laugh and then trys to act serious again. "I can do what I want, and that kid has to go." She says as if she doesn't even care, if she doesn't have a heart. It makes me more angry. I get close up in her face, clenching my jaw. "You are not touching mine and Harry's daughter, do we understand?" I basically growl at her, but she just smirks and shakes her head. I'm tired of her act. "Besides, there is nothing, and I mean nothing you can do to take her back to that shit hole of a place she was at. I already signed the papers, not you. So don't even try. I will take you to court for this." I threaten and I can see her eyes widen as I say the words court. I knew it would get her attention. "You won't do anything, because without me or the rest of this team there will be no One Direction, so you better watch your mouth Horan." I want to come back right at her but before I can speak Harry yells.

"Hey! Enough!" He yells, and walks over here. Harry is always the scariest when he is mad, and they already know that. The lady stiffins herself and Harry confornts her in the face. His jaw clenches and he balls is hands up into a fist, with his chest pumping up and down fast. It looks hot. What? No. Focus Niall.

"You will not do anything to my-our daughter. It will not be pretty for you. And so what if there will be no One Direction after this, I'm not letting you take her back, I will protect her like a normal dad would, go ahead I dare you to end One Direction, see what happens." He practically growls at her like I did. Her eyes are wide open as the words come from his mouth. It is kind of crazy for him to say to end One Direction just like that, and I'm hoping deep down inside her heart she won't because I wouldn't know what to do with the rest of the boys and not going on tour, and most of all disappointing the fans. But this wouldn't be my fault, it would be there's for being such bitches. She is still speechless at what he had said. "That's what I thought." He smirks and goes to pick up Larissa and walks back to her face. "You're not taking her away, and that's final. Oh and one more thing, I don't think you want to see me mad again, especially after you took Louis away from me." He smirks and puts down Larissa and she clings onto me as Harry exits the room.

I kinda laugh as he walks out of the room because of the way he made both of the people speechless by what came out of his mouth. I know he didn't really mean it, but I know he's smart and that's why he said that to them. I go and walk to get some water, and Larissa stays where she is at because I don't want her wondering around to get lost in this place. I drink my water but then I hear screaming. "Daddy! Help me!" She screams and I turn around quickly to see two guys carrying her out. I punch one of them in the face. Larissa is still screaming and crying. The lady smirking at the sight. I continue to punch the one guy carrying her in the face, carefully not hitting Larissa. But then the other guy starts chocking me from the back. I struggle to get him off of me.

I'm about to black out but then I hear some people burst through the door. I hear Harry's angry voice along with Liam, Zayn's and I think Louis. Louis comes closer to me and basically knocks the guy out in two punches. Him working out has really helped him out. I gasp for my breath as the guy falls to the floor and I instantlly look for Larissa. I look around as Liam has her in his arms and she still is screaming and crying while Liam is trying to calm her down. I rush over to her and take her out of Liam's arms immeditely. "Shh, it's okay, daddy's here. Nothing will hurt you I promise." I tell her repeaditly hoping she listens.

I cover her ears as Harry starts knocking down basically everything in this room. The lady is hiding in a corner but he doesn't care. He grabs her by the arm and jerks her up. "Like I said, I will protect her." He has sweat and blood coming down off his face from all the fighting he did. He's out of breath but still very angry of course. "Now, don't touch her again, don't let other people touch her again, and we won't have another problem." He walks away again smirking and the lady is shaking along with the guy. Larissa is still crying but this time she is shaking. I give her to Harry to see if he can try to calm her down. He holds her until we get into our car and start to leave.

"Hey, shh, it's okay. I'll keep you safe, I promise." He makes her look at him. "Nothing's going to happen to you. Okay?" She slightly nods. "Niall and I both will protect you. Do you trust us?" He asks her and she nods again. "Good." He sighs. "But don't say anything like that again, until any of us give you the okay to do so. Okay?" She nods again. "I-I'm sorry, d-d-a-addy." She studders. "It's okay. Now relax. We're going back home." He tells her and she falls asleep in between us.

An hour or two later we finally reach back to the house and our driver drives off. I'm carrying Larissa inside since she was sleeping. Harry opens the door and we walk inside. I go upstairs and lay her down on her bed and tuck her in.

I go back down stairs and I see Harry sitting on the couch just staring and nothing. He just looks... Lost. I go up to him. "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask him and I can tell he wants to cry. "I really h-hate being the bad guy sometimes. T-That's not how I am. I just get so angry I can't control myself. And seeing managements faces again made me pissed beyond belief. I couldn't help but remember everything that they did with Louis and I. Remember? We were so happy, until they came along and ruined it. We still tried to be happy but it just didn't work. Remember how depressed both of us were when we finally said it's over? Niall.. I don't want that to happen to us. I won't let it happen, especially now since we have Larissa." I remember clearly what had happened between Harry and Louis, they were so in love. It broke everyone else's hearts when we all heard they broke up, and ever since then they haven't been the same with each other which really sucks, they were always the funniest together, not to mention cute. I half smile at the memories but not for one second I would have thought back then it would be him and I dating. I just hope management won't be as bad to us like how they were for Louis and Harry and like Harry said it won't happen, I won't let it happen. "I won't let anything happen either. I do love you Harry, and thanks for protecting Larissa.. I couldn't have done it myself." I smile at him. "I'm going to head to bed. I love you." I tell him and give him a kiss on the lips for a few seconds, and he kisses me back. " I love you. Goodnight." He tells me. I walk back upstairs and slip into bed, hoping he will come up here soon.

(Aww narry love <3 and sorry if I offended anyone with the whole Harry and Louis. I wanted to cry because of that since I am a hardcore Larry shipper. But anyways I hope you liked it! Please vote and comment! I love comments lol)

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