Chapter 15

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Niall's P.O.V.

Song: light em up by fallout boy

Harry and I wake up to the sound of a loud bang at the door, we get up quickly knowing what to expect. "Just stay here." He tells me and I nod. He looks out the little hole we have in our door, and by the expression on his face, I know it's them. I don't understand why they're being so cruel to us, we have done nothing wrong, and Larissa didn't know. Larissa. That's all I can think about at the moment, and I feel like something is taking over me, but in a good way. Harry opens the door, and 5 people walk in. Three of them are strangers, and two of them are acually from our manegment. They don't do anything they just stand there looking at us.

"Niall, Harry." The woman Sandra from our mangement speaks up. "Where is your daughter? We just want to talk to her." She says but I don't believe in a word she says.

"She's not here." Harry practically growls at her. "Yeah, and you're not going to find her. So just give it up. The papers are signed under my name, so you can't do shit about it!" I scream at her. She smirks at the both of us. "Actually I can, because Vanessa signed the papers for her to be put back, and we can easily do your signature." As soon as she said that I came at her and knocked down the papers. "What part of you're not taking her away from me do you not get?!" She stands where she's at with a stunned look on her face. I watch Harry get the papers for the floor. "I don't care if Vanessa sighed these damn papers. She's like my daughter, so therefore you're not taking her back to anywhere, she's staying right here. And another thing, I'm not that same boy who destroyed a few years ago with Louis. No, I'm not letting you take another part of my happiness away. Niall and Larissa makes me happy, so you guys can kindly fuck off and do your actual job and in case you forgot, that's to manage our music! Not who we are, because even when you separated Louis and I, we were still dating and the ONLY reason we broke up is because of that Eleanor girl. You broke him, but not me. So this is what is going to happen." He stops talking, all of us suprised by his speech. He tore the papers up and tears them apart. "NO!" Management screams. But it was already to late. "You're not taking away my happiness, and if you even try again, I will press charges. You got that?!" He screams, I can tell he wants to cry. I know he's having flashbacks of him and Louis except they gave in and he's doing this for not only himself but for Louis.

As much as Harry says he loves me, I know he loves Louis twice as much, but I'm fine with that. What they had was something special that's for sure. He's not one who believes in violence as an answer but I know he would do anything to protect the people he loves, he just wished he would have done that earlier in his life.

I was so lost in my thoughts that when I finally snapped out of it, there was a man on the floor with blood on his nose. "Now get out!!" Harry screamed louder than ever. Even I am scared him at this moment. I honestly have never seen him so pissed until this moment.

Management stumbles out of the house. As soon as they slam the door he starts slamming everything onto the ground. "Harry! Stop!" I scream at him but he ignores my presence and continues to break and shatter things. His chest moving up and down fast, his muscles flexing the more he breaks things in the house. Even though I am exremely scared of him right now, I am also very turned on by this. I run upstairs so I can call someone who I know will calm him down. Louis. I walk into our room and grab my phone to dial his number. He picks up. "Hello?" He says through the phone and I head Larissa giggling in the backround, it makes me smile slightly. 

"Louis, Harry is going crazy at the moment because of manegement, and I don't know what do to. I really don't. I know somehow you can calm him down, right? Please say right." He stays silent for a few seconds. "Fine, but whatever I have to do, please don't get jealous or mad." I debate for a minute, but I know whatever happens, I will okay. "I won't. Just hurry, and bring Larissa." I hang up the phone, and walk downstairs and Harry is still mad but stopped breaking everything in sight. He's on the floor, on his knees with tears coming out of his eyes. I walk towards him. "I-I'm sorry." He looks up at me, his eyes bloodshot red. I nod to tell him it's okay. 

I know it doesn't seem that big of a deal, but everything he did took him a lof or strangth and courage to do, it's a big step for him, he's never that mean, but I know that's who he was inside, and who he actually wanted to be, and maybe that's why when Larissa first met him she was afraid of him, she saw who he was inside. And even though I see what is coming out from the inside, I will always still love him. 

I see the door open up and I see Louis holding Larissa's hand and Harry turns to face them both, and Larissa run up to him. "Daddy, what's wrong?" She asks him. "Nothing baby, everything is fine. Okay?" I know he's not sure, even I'm not sure if things are okay at this moment. Louis then walks towards him and helps him up, then looks him in the eyes. They don't even have to say anything to each other, just look each other in the eyes communicate with each other. It's amazing really, how they can do that. "It's going to be okay Harry." He tells him and Harry nods. They hug one another and Louis pulls me into the hug. We break from the hug. We all hate manegement at this moment, and I know that the air is tense. 

"Where's Larissa?" Harry asks and we look around the house, but nothing. "Larissa!?" I scream, but then I hear another scream, I know it's from but it's not a scream telling us she's okay, it's a scream that she's scared. We run up the stairs as fast we can, but by that time we she's gone. We look out of the window and some people were dragging her away. I start to panic, and we all go downstairs and rush out the door, but by that time we were to late, the people who took her were gone. I know we all know who did this, we just need to figure out where they went. I look at Harry and I see the person who he is inside, come out at that moment. He starts going through drawrers. He takes out a few switchblades and knifes. Louis and I are stunned by what he is doing. He packs some clothes in a bag, he then gets matches and lighter with him. "I'm going to find her, and whoever I catch with her in that moment, they're dead." I knew he was serious, his eyes wern't green anymore, they were almost black. He continues to get random things. "Tell the rest of the boys, tomorrow I will call you guys and you guys decide if you want to join me." 

"Harry, stop, you're not thinking right." I tell him. "I don't care at this moment. Do you want our daughter back or not?! In order to get her back, we need to get rid of the problem, permentley. I'm done with being Mr. Nice guy right now. Either you're with me or against me." He looks at the both of us. Louis nods his head. "I'm with you." 

"Yeah, so am I. We just need to call the rest of the boys." 

"Tomorrow, so that way we know where can stay for a while, and they can meet us there." Harry tells us, and I pack a bag for me and tweet on twitter. 

"I won't be on for a while, some things came up, but just remember I love you all." And with that Louis already brought his stuff as if he already knew. And we leave. 

Hopefully we find her, and we will kill anybody who tries to hurt her. 

I was really excited writing this chapter! The song up on top gave me the inspiration. You see the punk side of One Direction coming out, especially on Harry! What do you think?! Vote and comment please xx <3 

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