11: Morning Coffee

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Gerard's hand gripped the door tightly as he pushed it to a close, making sure it didn't make a single sound as he arrived home, hopefully unnoticed. He heard the door click as he switched the lock into place and turned around, his breath catching in his throat.

"F- hi ma," Gerard said, grinning innocently as if he didn't almost just curse, he sent a short wave to his mother as he leaned back against the door, his hands tapping anxiously against the wood behind him.

Mrs. Way wasn't impressed with her son at all, he had left the house when he was supposed to have been grounded, and came home as if he hadn't. She was stood with a stern expression, an eyebrow raised as she looked at her son angrily with her arms crossed tight.

Gerard bit his lip, realising she was waiting for an explanation and he knew he wouldn't get away without giving her one, although he considered unlocking the door and making a run for it which he decided against.

"I uh, well-" Gerard coughed to clear his throat, taking a deep breath in as he tried to think what to say before he just started blurting out word vomit in the end. "He asked me to, and he's the only person who's tried being friends with me, I couldn't just say no and turn that down, and-"

"Gerard," his mother spoke calmy, cutting off his words in an instant. "I'm not angry at you, I was, but recent events changed my mind." Gerard looked at her with confusion filling his face, obviously surprised at the lack of yelling. "Mikey," she offered, "he told me he basically forced you out the window, he wants you to have friends, Gerard."

Gerard stopped to think for a bit, thankful that Mikey had told her all that, but as much as he wanted to believe that Mikey forcing Gerard to go to Frank's house would encourage Mrs. Way to lighten up whatever punishment he knew that he was going to receive, he knew that wouldn't be the case.

He pursed his lips, waiting for his mother to continue, wanting to just find out how miserable his punishment would end up being so he could just go up to bed and read  or something.

"I'm reducing your grounding to just next week, Mikey aswell, only because I know you need to reconnect and bond with your friends. However, you have to have to watch over Rupert for a week," she said, surprisingly not being smug about it. "Rupert is the neighbours dog, they've gone away for a week and have asked us to look after their dog. Convenient timing in my opinion."

Gerard let out a long breath, nodding, though he really wasn't planning on 'reconnecting' with his old friends, they were never all that close before he moved to New York in the first place, they didn't even know he was a guy at the time.

Meeting his mother's eyes, he silently asked if there was anything else but she shook her head and he made his way upstairs and to his room. He collpased on his bed after dropping his overnight bag on the floor with a thud, knowing he had gotten off easy, either that or that dog, Rupert, was going to be a lot of work.


Monday morning rolled around quite quickly and Gerard was dreading going back to school, and although he may have made a friend and school didn't suck as much as it did on the first day back, he still really didn't want to be there.

School was school, and school was definitely a place Gerard didn't want to be, although it did distract him from the fact he was grounded and would have to leave the house to take Rupert for a walk and 'come straight back home,' his mothers words, usually, he'd just skip the walk and watch netflix.

So maybe being grounded wasn't so bad, he never really left the house much anyway, however his mother did say that he wasn't allowed to watch television, and that included Netflix so maybe being grounded actually did suck.

But from the moment that he woke up to right now had been a blur, he had been tired, hadn't had coffee since his mother had decided to add that to his grounding, which meant he would have to drink the schools coffee for a week.

His current mood was obvious as he was leaning against the locker beside his tiredly as he looked through his own, feeling a hand rest on his shoulder causing him to jump and turn around, seeing Frank behind him, looking his cheery self.

"Wow, you look..." Frank started, drifting off as Gerard gave him an unimpressed look. "Let's get you some coffee before school starts, come on." He gripped Gerard's wrist firmly, closing his locker and leading him away, out of the school halls and to the cafeteria.

Less students were gathered here than there were in the halls or outside the school, which pleased him as the noise wasn't as loud so he wouldn't get a headache or anything. He just wanted coffee and quiet.

They both sat down at one of the cafeteria's tables, Gerard breifly hearing Frank tell him he was going to get him his coffee and then Gerard was alone, arms resting crossed on the table, his head lying on top.

He felt himself falling asleep, and he was completely okay with that, he hadn't gotten much sleep the night before as he had stayed up drawing until two in the morning as he did almost every night- the idiot.

He had obviously realised his mistake of not going to sleep at a reasonable hour but forgot all about that when Frank arrived with two fresh, or as fresh as a high school coffee could get, cups of hot coffee in his hands.

Gerard immediately took one of the cups, thanking Frank quickly before downing half the cup before Frank even sat down, obviously needing the wake up.

"Can you help me look after a dog?" Gerard spoke suddenly, a lot more awake than he was a minute ago. He realised the randomness of his words and how strange they must have sounded coming from his mouth especially as those were his first proper words of the day.

Frank cocked his eyebrow, sipping his coffee before placing it back down on the table, obviously waiting for Gerard to give some context to his question, tapping his fingers on the table as he waited.

"I have to look after my neighbours dog Rupert, I have to take him for a walk and just, do you want to come with me or not?" Gerard asked, drinking more of his coffee and Frank was amused by how fast he was drinking it.

"What kind of dog is he?" Frank asked with genuine curiosity.

"I don't know," Gerard shrugged.

"Oh, a surprise?" Frank asked although it didn't really sound like a question as he looked at Gerard whose face held a bored expression and rolled his eyes at Frank, who just giggled in response. "I'll come with you to walk your neighbours dog, of course I will, I love dogs."

Gerard nodded, a small smile on his face as he picked up his coffee, finishing the rest with a frown when Frank picked up Gerard's cup and began to shake it slightly when Gerard looked at him strangely.

"Empty," Frank answered, holding it properly and standing up, "I'm getting you another, although I don't really think you need it," Frank smiled before walking off, earning a thank you from Gerard.


Okay that could've been better but there's the chapter I promised, I hope that satisfies you guys for a bit.

I love you guys, thank you so much for reading.

Also I watched all the Harry Potter movies in like twenty four hours almost exactly and literally the last scene where Harry is talking to Albus (Potter) like wow I wrote this over the last movie like be proud of me.

And I totally could've put this up like an hour after the authors note because I finished it an hour after the authors notes but I thought that would be weird but whatever, here it is, I hope you enjoyed it, the credits of the movie are rolling rn, so, convenient timing.

Also I have started the next chapter so I could get a headstart and hopefully update a lot sooner but don't hold that against me.

I love you guys, thank you, bye!

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