Chapter 8

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"Now, let's relocate this guy bud. Somewhere no one could hear his song again." I told my best friend. And the two of us flew towards the moutainous part of Melody Island. The Deathsong was hot on our tail. 'I need to do something, fast!' I anxiously thought as we made a turn around one of the mountains. Then I spotted a cave on the bottom of the cliff. "Okay Mr. Deathsong. Welcome to your new home!" I said to the large and terrifying dragon chasing us. And yes, I'm fully aware that it's angry and that it doesn't talk.

The two of us sped into the opening, and as planned, the Deathsong followed us. When it is already in deep, Toothless managed to find our way out, using his way of using sound to get us out in the dark. "Bud, blast the opening." I said to Toothless once we got out. And he did and the opening collapsed, sealed shut. Same with the opening that we entered in.

"Good job, bud. Now let's go save Heather." And we hurriedly flew back to the amber filled canyon where Heather and Windshear were still immobilized. We both landed on the spot next to them. "Where have you been? And what happened to the Deathsong?" She asked me as I unmounted Toothless. "Let's say I moved it to a new home in the cliffs on the far side of the island. But, I don't think that it'll stay there for long, though." I answered her as I signaled for Toothless to light up the gel. Thank Thor it didn't dry up.

Once they were free, Windshear gave me and Toothless an affectionate lick while Heather gave Toothless a scratch on the chin and me a bone-crushing hug. "You're Welcome..." I managed to choke from her embrace that was slightly cutting off my air supply. She released me after what felt like an eternity and I took in a large heap of air.

When I recovered from my slight loss of breathing, I cleared my throat and said to her, "So, should we get back to our island or should we wait until morning?". "Can we stay here tonight?" She asked me. "Are you sure? I mean, you just got trapped in a cocoon only a moment ago." I said. "I'm sure. Plus, I actually wanted to go back to the beach where we landed." She said. I just smiled at her as we mounted up, heading for the beach we landed in earlier.

The sun was already setting when we arrived. Luckily, there was some fish left over from lunch. It wasn't much, actually. Just a few pieces of cod, at least six. But, it did the trick. I took two from the small pile and fed our dragons two each. "Windshear, light it up will you girl?" I asked Windshear and she obeyed. We roasted the fish with sticks by the fire. We ate quickly and just lay there on the white sand, watching the sky turn from a crisp orange to a radiant blue.

The two of us just laid there. Our bodies slightly apart, and our hands barely touching. Occasionally , I would inch my hand closer to hers, until our fingers were almost touching. Then, surprisingly, she laced my hand with hers. I looked at our intertwined hands, then to her. She just smiled at me, and we went back to watching the sky.

It was already dark and the stars were already up in the sky, the full moon glistened on the calm waters of the sea. Crickets chirping, owls hooting, frogs croaking, the rustling of the trees from the evening breeze, and the crashing of the waterfall in the lagoon not far filled the air. Then, a magical thing happened. Fireflies lit up the beach and the lagoon, illuminating the water with its star-like glow.

Heather just held my hand tighter as her gaze focused on the thousands of fireflies flying around us. As I looked at her, so beautiful, so enchanting........... so incredible, I can't help but fall for her harder. I mean, I'm already infatuated with her, but now, I am crazily and madly in love with her. And I know I can't tell her because it's too soon. It's almost a week since we teamed up. And in that time, I can't help but feel happiness and love when I'm with her.

But, as the time flies of me not telling her how I really feel about her, it gets hard for me to conceal my feelings for her. I constantly flirt with her, and the two of us act like we are a couple or something, but the truth is we are not. I really want to tell her, especially right now, but she would freak out and rant on about how its too soon. And she would be right. But, as the saying goes, you can't help who you fall in love with and how fast you fall.

Escaping to You -Book I of the Journey SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now