Chapter 14

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A commotion in the docks caused everyone in town to stop what they were doing and see what was going on, including me and Heather. We gave each other a look of confusion before we walked down to the docks with everyone. No use bring along Toothless and Windshear since there was no place to land once we're there. We managed to squeeze through the crowd to get to my dad and Gobber for a clearer view of what in Odin's name was going on. And what I saw made me smirk, though my girlfriend beside me looked a little shocked.

Auburn hair like mine, forest green eyes like mine, tall and lanky build like mine, though no peg leg like mine. Last but not least, a Night Fury like mine. Then again, we looked so different growing up that no one thought we would ever look so much alike -like twins. Let alone tame the most intelligent and wonderful species of dragons. Behind him were two familiar faces that I'll always recognize growing up, though I can't say the same for everyone else.

And as much as I love having them here, their timing could not be more... what's the word?..... reproachable. Their arrival at a time like this usually means something's wrong. That's why I only meet with them in secret and alone.

Four runts with Night Furies they befriended on their own, gut shunned by their tribes, became heroes in the end even though they never wanted to. Not to mention, they all grew up together as sons of chiefs -so enemies are more abundant to them than friends.

"So, this is Berk today?" My doppelganger of a cousin asked as his green eyes like mine scanned the island and the crowd before him.

"It's as I remember it, though I can still see some differences." The black haired, blue eyed one on my cousin's left said with an amused look.

"You're doing, I bet?" The blonde haired, brown eyed one on my cousin's right asked me and I nodded.

"What are you three even doing here?" It was my turn to ask them, though just for show.

Because I have a hunch of what they're really here for. Looks like Johann came through with that 'little something' a few days ago. Though, I wasn't expecting it to be here.

"Well, cous, we've got wind of you joining Berk's Thawfest again. So we thought we'd drop by. To watch you and Toothless dominate the dragon competition and for old time's sake." My cousin answered.

"Besides, we figured Toothless could use some fellow Night Fury Company. Not that a beautiful Razorwhip isn't worthy company." My brown eyed friend added, turning on the charm as he gave a wink to my girlfriend beside me after he sae Toothless playing with Windshear at the cliffs of the academy which can be seen from the docks.

And it ticked me off how a light pink dusted her soft cheeks. Looks like old Nik grew up to be a ladies man, and one that will actually succeed in breaking a few hearts. Now, I don't feel as bad as this morning about the hickey I gave her. That way, these three morons would know that she's taken and she's mine.

"Aaron? Skylar? Nikolai?" My father asked, finally recognizing them.

"Uncle Stoick! Took you long enough to recognize us." Aaron said with a smirk.

"Yeah. We were afraid that Hiccup over here would be the only one who recognised us." Skylar added with the same smirk.

"Wait, you're the three lads who came here every summer when Stoick would have his meetings with the other tribal chiefs? The three runts who can't seem to stay out of trouble when you're with Hiccup?" Gobber asked, his memory starting to work again.

"Glad to see we're an unforgettable pack, Gobber." Nikolai commented, taking pride in our childhood shenanigans.

"How could I forget? You rascals set fire to my skivvies while trying to see if you can fire a mace-head out from a large barrel." Gobber exclaimed, getting angry at the memory while the four of us just had a good laugh.

Escaping to You -Book I of the Journey SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now