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Katie struggled nursing her dislocated leg. Her mind raced over the erratic events that had transpired upstairs. It hurt her brain the more she tried to comprehend what that thing was. Was it all a trick of the eye? Was she still asleep, only dreaming of everything? The last thought was quickly blown away when Katie accidentally brushed her hand against the cuts that the beast had caused on her ankles when it grabbed her. She didn't feel a thing, only the popping of her leg dislocating, yet there were three large cuts around her ankle, weeping their red tears. 

Deziel had returned upstairs once he helped his co-worker down into the kitchen so she could nurse her leg. The boy didn't answer any of Katie's questions as he left her on the kitchen table to support her leg. He looked back at her, a slight sorrow in his longing gaze. He wanted to help, but he knew something was going to become difficult if he tried. What it was, Katie couldn't discern. The boy walked back up the stairs, from which Katie could hear light pats of his feet as he stumbled above, possibly pondering about the beast's words. 

Hell will rise.

What did it mean? Was something big about to happen, a disaster so cataclysmic that all of humanity would suffer? Or was Hell literally rising? Oh, stop it! Don't be ridiculous. "They're stories, that's all they are. The Bible, Heaven, Hell...they don't exist, do they?" She found herself thinking aloud. 

"Tell me, what do you believe?" Deziel appeared in her kitchen doorway, leaning against the wall. His sudden, quiet appearance frightened Katie. She had witnessed him kill a monster, something that shouldn't exist, something that made no logical sense. 

"I'm dreaming, aren't I?" 

"No," Deziel pursed his lips, wondering how else to continue. He sighed. "No, I'm afraid not. This is real, everything that happened was real. Craven was possessed by a Demon named Amon, sent here through the Ouija board I found in Craven's home. That's why I had you drop me off after. I needed to study the board, check to see if its seals were tampered with. Oddly enough, they weren't. I realised that we were dealing with Amon when I connected the missing Bible to him. Sounds strange, I know. I'm not too sure how I came up with it, but it made sense. A demon despises the Holy Bible. So why would he keep one around after a killing meant to be food for his brethren? That's right, the murder that started it all was a hunt. Amon had another purpose being here, but I believe there are some lesser demons making their way through other portals, Ouija boards, Gates, etc. and they need something to feast on. Amon's master, whether he is Lucifer or someone entirely different, knew of this and sent Amon to strengthen them." 

Katie was lost. Talks of demons and Ouija boards, portals and Gates jumbled her mind. Deziel had to be lying, he had to be! 

"Stop!" Katie cried out, frustrated as her brain cried for help. "I...I don't believe you. I'm sorry, but get out. Leave!" Deziel did not budge. He stood idle, his hands crossing across his chest. 

"If I were lying, would this be possible?" Deziel separated his right arm from the embrace of his left and snapped his fingers. Flames engulfed his forearm, he clenched his teeth. His body rippled as he convulsed. He muffled his painful cry as the flames sizzled into nothing. What was left of his arm was scorched and cracked, his fingers now five deadly talons. 

"What the...?" Katie's mouth fell open, shocked at the boy's disturbing, yet somewhat intriguing transformation. She wanted to observe it, but she knew it wouldn't be wise to do so. 

"Still learning. But this, Katie, is who I truly am. A demon infused with an angel. Well, I've been told that I am half of each, but I can only seem to transform this much of my body at the moment. You see, there was a reason why I didn't die before. It was because I couldn't. Hell fears me, and Heaven rejects me. I am forever stuck on the plains of Purgatory, the place you call Earth. Listen to me when I say this, Katie."

Deziel stepped forward, the demonic arm disappearing in a burst of flames. He reached out for her cuts, closing his eyes. Feeling uneasy, Katie wanted to move away, out of his reach, but deep down, she knew she could trust him. He touched her cut, making her gasp and almost cry out in pain. A blue light emitted from his palm, as the cuts began to sizzle slightly, Katie gasped again, closing her eyes in an attempt to block out the searing pain. 

"There are things out there, things that want to stop those that know the truth. Heed my warnings, your life will never be the same again. As long as you have met me, your life will be in danger...very grave danger." 

Deziel moved his hand away, the light fading away. On her heel, where her cuts once were, was a pentacle, a ward, a promise. 

"I promise, no matter what, I will protect you." Deziel looked over at Katie, who had fainted at the pain. He caressed her face, smiling. Humans...I was once like you, now I am different. I am nothing but a deadly machine, hunted by the most horrific things anyone has ever seen. The boy lifted up the sleeping Katie and slowly and steadily, carried her back to her bedroom. 

He passed childhood photos, a family picture of a young Katie, whose hair was tied in two pigtails, with her brother and parents. They looked happy. He passed another picture, one with Katie at her graduation. Her smile was one of pure beauty and pride. 

A life, one filled with dreams and happiness. A life I wish I could have. Deziel placed her softly on her comfy bed. He pulled her emerald silk sheets back over her, smiling. "I'm sorry, Katie." Was the only thing he said before he left the room, carefully closing the door behind him, shutting the sleeping woman away from the rest of the world. 

As Deziel walked back the way he came, something caught the side of his eye. He looked over at the photo of Katie's graduation. Everything seemed normal, except, when Deziel looked closer, he noticed something no ordinary human eye would see. A figure, glaring at her with grey, dead eyes. It's head was tilted to the side, as if it were hanging from a noose, it's mouth opened wide, an inaudible scream. Deziel's heart began pumping faster. 

He ran to the childhood photo of Katie, looking closer until a similar figure was watching over her, hands outstretched as if she were his puppet. Deziel shook his head, his breath rasping as the anger began to fuse deep down. 

"No, it can't be." He whispered, running out of the house as fast as he could. 

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