Chapter 16 - The mate that won't quit.

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 I felt him thrust into me then from the side, a slow shallow thrust, his hips moving to cover mine, and I didn't fight or protest. I lay there, eyes shutting, breathing in and out faster as his body finally came back to reconnect with mine. His hand, still over the back of mine, still attached to my wrist, used my hand to stroke the sensitive nub there, fingers threading through mine as he guided my palm.

Suddenly he was shifting us, moving me onto my stomach, and grasped my hips with his hand, and our joined hands. I felt my hips lift, knees moving up, bum going in the air, before he was back over me, thrusting again inside me, a low growl as he got deeper now, further, bent over me. I moaned, eyes shutting, while he bent across my back, teeth finding my shoulder.

Our hands were there again, suddenly, between my legs, stroking me as his hips moved back and forward, claiming me with thrusts that were slow, very slow, deeper, grinding as he moved, his left hand cupping my breasts and playing with them. Heat was fogging my mind, distracting me from how the snow was digging into one of my legs, and the need for him to move. He was moving too slow.

"Faster." I couldn't believe it. I was asking him to move. Begging him. I wanted something, something that scared me, and yet right now all I cared about was this... about getting him to make it better. 

Nick laughed, through his moans, teeth nipping at my shoulder, but he obeyed. Suddenly he was moving fast, grinding against me, as deep as his body could reach, low groans and growls and pants vibrating against my back, my own returning his. It wasn't just sex, it was being claimed, and I loved it. I trusted him, trusted him to stop or slow down if I asked, knowing that it wasn't just about him here.

His fingers pressed against my sensitive skin between my legs, still pressing my palm there, and I felt the strange sense of what it felt like to be penetrated from the outside, my fingers brushing against his erection as it slammed into me, dampness covering my fingers. My body was throbbing as hard as his, blood pounding in my hips, a tension building.

I cried out, my voice echoing around the clearing, as my body exploded with pleasure, lower body collapsing onto the rug, spine arching, my free hand clawing at the snow.

Nick came then, bent over me, his own cries joining mine in the forest as his body came just a minute after mine, heat dripping down my thighs onto the blanket.

He collapsed onto his side beside me, yanking me down, arms wrapping around mine. The flimsy string was still holding our hands together. 

"Do all werewolves like that one?" I tried to tease. Tried. I had clearly liked it too. My shoulder hurt and when I glanced at it, I saw where he'd bitten a little too hard, tiny drops of blood against the pale skin. Somehow that didn't bother me either.

"It's not a tradition. Still- " He kissed the place where his teeth had dug in a bit too much, fingers squeezing my palm, "-I think we could try that one again."

"Now?" I thought he meant now. His hips were already grinding up against mine again. I wondered how long it'd take before he was ready for another...

Nick laughed, shaking his head. "Not on Christmas morning. The kids will send out search parties." Teeth came to graze my ear as he murmured, soft, "We've got all afternoon though."

"I'm cooking dinner. Remember? I think Reece said you'd been boasting about that."


We lay there, reality seeping back into our foggy minds, the light getting stronger. Then he sighed, gently unwrapping the string that had held our hands together, careful not to tear or rip it. I stood up as well, my legs shaking a bit.

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