Book 2 - Chapter 16

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I stared at Nick and he blinked at me, confused. This was good. He couldn't move and I could get his attention easily. I yanked off my shirt, ignoring the way his eyes darted to my stomach, and stripped the pants off, as well as the panties, standing there with my hands on my hips as he stared at the tiny bump. It was obvious when I was naked, sure, but it wasn't that impressive. Not yet anyway.

“Look at it.”

"I really don't' want to talk about this." He muttered. Looked away, guarded expression from mine, unable to look anymore, tugging at the restraints that held his arms there.

"Tough." I climbed onto the bed, straddling him, sitting above him with my wet hair dripping down onto his designer clothing. Probably ruining it, but again, tough bickies for him. "You didn't tell me why you didn't want me to do this. Was it because of the things you were looking up?"

Nick didn't answer, just clenched his jaw, hands tightening into fists as he yanked.

I smacked him hard. He actually looked shocked,but I was starting to feel angry, because whatever the fuck he thought it was going to do to me, it wasn't as scary a problem as me loosing one. "Are you afraid I'll die?"

"Of course I fucking well am." Nick snapped, suddenly, hurt and fear replacing the blank look he'd been trying to use to hide it. "Have you seen what happens when women give birth? To just one baby? I don't want you to die for this thing." His eyes snapped down to my stomach. It was no longer a baby to him, or twins as it turned out to be, it was back to 'dangerous unknown'.

"What about this?" I yanked the photo of the ultrasound. Showed him. Held it into his face, making him see it. He shut his eyes.

"I don't want you to die. Don't you dare risk it." He snapped. So much anger, so much fear, but it wasn't directed at me.

"I don't want you to die. I don't want them to die either. They're half of you. Didn't you hear their hearts? We might not even have two now. Or in a week. Or by the time they're born.” I hit him again, hard, doing my best to keep the paper from getting wrecked. He barely cringed, just stared at me.

He shook his head. "No, there was no sound, and I don't care. I made up my mind."

I wriggled off him and slipped the dvd into the laptop, dumping it beside the bed, and turned it on. It had our voices, Pav, Jamie and myself, and the person doing the ultrasound. She was explaining what each part was. There was the sudden sound of a heartbeat.

Nick twitched. His head twisted sideways when he heard laughter, relieved laughter, staring at the video like he hadn't really seen it before. Then our surprise when she pointed out that there was a second heart nearby, which was why it was so loud, the two of them nearly in sync with each other at that moment. His face flooded with color as he stared, seeing them flinch and wriggle around when the stomach was prodded gently, watching them react to the movement. Then the complication. This was the part I didn't want to see. I made myself sit there on his stomach anyway. Made him listen.

"Your mother didn't die." I said, softly, as he stared at the wriggle-wriggle-swimming of two little bodies, at the zooming in while they were checked for any problems, the bodies side by side and held safely close by the cords. His eyes widened slightly as they each had their internal organs checked, including their forming brains, their spines obvious, the throbbing of the heart so fast in their chests.

"I know."

"Pav's a trained nurse."

"I know that too."

"Elena gave birth to twins without a trained nurse." I was stroking his chest, gently, fingertips brushing across him over the fabric. “We've got a trained nurse.”

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