Chapter 4

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"Hey Here's a book shelf, maybe one of these books will help us on how to get rid of a merman's powers"said Lyla. So they looked and they looked."Here's a book" said Sirena as she grabbed it to pull it off the book shelf.But it was stuck."It's stuck"explained Sirena as she tried to pull the book.But it wouldn't budge."Let me help you"said Nixie as she and Sirena pulled at the same time.Then suddenly,the book shelf right next to it began to open.Lyla turned around to see this entrance,while Nixie ans Sirena were on the floor, getting up for their hands and knees.It turns out that the book they were trying to pull off of the shelf was suppose to be there so you can get inside the secret cave. They went inside the cave and the shelf behind them. Inside the cave, their was a kinds of stuff. There was potions, a mirror, a couch, some seafood, a dresser, and a small pool that has a exit that leads to open water. "Well, this is kind of cool"said Nixie. "Kind of cool? This is cool. It's amazing"said Sirena. "I wonder who lives here anyway"said Nixie. "Maybe a mermaid lives here"said Sirena. "You mean a mermaid with legs"said Lyla. "Well it could be anyone"said Nixie. All of a sudden, the door to the cave opened and a girl with red hair came into the room. "Who are you and how did you get here"said the girl. "Oh, um my name is Lyla and these are my sisters Nixie andSirena. We came in the front door. "Oh, well... Hi I'm Rita"said Rita. "You three should be going"said Rita. "Are you a mermaid"said Sirena. "Um.. No. Mermaids don't exist"said Rita."This isn't your home and-".Rita spotted a moon ring on Sirena's left hand,on her ring finger."Where did you get that?"asked Rita."I got it from my grandmother when I was little"replied Sirena."That's funny,because I have one that's just like yours"said Rita as she went to her treasure chest to see if her moon ring was there still.She opened the chest and opened a little box where she keeps her rings.But when she opened the small little box,her moon ring was gone."Did you steal that ring from me?"questioned Rita."Honestly no"replied Sirena."Yes you did,your lying"said Rita."No she didn't. We were with her the whole time"explained Rita."Give me the ring now"said Rita with anger as she held her hand out. Sirena gave her ring to Rita."I don't know what kinda of joke your playing,but this is no game.Now I'm going to give you 5 minutes to get off my property"said Rita,eyeing the 3 girls."But-"."NOW!"said Rita."Let's go,Sirena"said Nixie as she and Lyla comforted Sirena."We'll get your moon ring back,we just have to figure out a plan"said Lyla as the 3 girls walked off of Rita's property.  

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