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D: hey

C: what's up. This is the first

D: what?

C: you text me first instead of me to you 😂

D: yeah...

C: so what's up

D: I just wanna say I'm sorry

C: for what?

D: for bashing you about the flowers. no one has ever gotten me flowers for no reason before so I didn't know how to react...

C: wow. you actually have emotion 😂

D: can you just accept my apology?

C: apology accepted ❤️

D: yay

C: is there anything else you wanna say? 😏

D: thank you

C: for?

D: the flowers you fuckboy

C: you are most welcome baby boy 😘❤️

D: 🙄

C: anything else 😏

D: yeah. this is the last time I say sorry and thank you to you for anything

C: that's what I was expecting 😂❤️

D: yeah... bye

C: night baby boy

D: night fuckboy ❤️

*dylan has gone offline*

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