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D: thank you for buying me food

D: I had a better time then I expected...

C: anytime baby boy

D: and you didn't act like a total fuckboy so keep up the good work

C: wow thanks 😂

D: maybe

C: maybe what?

D: maybe I'll give you a chance

C: really?!?

D: but don't get your hopes up big boy

C: oh I can show you big boy 😉

D: and you fucked it up

C: I'm sorry 😢😢😢

C: please come back

C: baby boy 😭😭😭

D: don't fuck it up

C: I won't I promise

D: good

C: so where do we start?

D: idk

C: well, let me ask you this

D: okay, what?

C: would you go out on a second date with me?

D: will you buy me food?

C: I mean...

D: then yes

C: yay

D: okay goodnight. Thanks for the awesome day

C: anytime baby cakes

D: do you have like a nickname handbook or something? 🤔

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