Chapter 5

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I apply some last minute lipstick, already being slightly late. I quickly take a picture of my dinner outfit and post it on Instagram.

 I quickly take a picture of my dinner outfit and post it on Instagram

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mackenziereed: ready for the team dinner! redbullracing

I grab my keycard and phone and make my way out of my hotelroom. I feel ready for the team dinner, although I'm tired, but I could use some food and company.

I walk out of the elevator and walk towards the restaurant as fast as I can in heels. The team is already seated and like he promised, a seat in between Max and Daniel is free.

"There she is!" Simon says loudly from next to Daniel. Some team members greet me, while I just take my seat.

"Hi" I breathe out to Daniel, who is looking at me with a smile on his face.

"Hey, you look great" he mumbles, as if he doesn't want anyone to hear it. I smile back at him, before greeting Max as well. James, his PR, is on his other side. Evan is across from me and he is grinning.

"What can I get you, miss?" A waiter asks me.

"A water and the pasta, please" I tell him. He nods and moves on.

"Water? Are you on a diet or something?" Evan asks me as he raises his eyebrow. I look at his glass, that is holding beer. Even Max and Daniel are drinking beer.

"Well, someone needs to be responsible. Besides, still have some work to do after dinner"

"Still?" Max asks, joining in the conversation. I just nod, knowing I still haven't finished the quali data yet.

"Same here!" Simon says, holding up his glass of water. I give him a high five, earning eye rolls from several team members.

"You guys need sleep" Daniel says, looking from Simon to me. We both shrug, knowing we have to do the data in order for the race to go well.

"You guys'll be thanking us when you have the right information from the quali sessions" I just say, drinking some water. Max chuckles and nods his head.

"For some reason, I always feel like you two work harder than anyone else" Tyler joins in from next to Evan. He looks to Simon and me and I grin.

"We try!" I answer, making Simon chuckle.

"We do our jobs, like everyone does here" Simon adds, making me nod.

"We should really talk about other things now, instead of how awesome we are" Simon says, high fiving me once again. I giggle and nod, while everyone starts falling into conversation.


As I'm walking through the long hallways of the hotel after dinner, I can't help but feel as if someone is following me.

"Mackenzie!" I turn around and see Daniel walking towards me with a grin on his face.

"Hey Daniel, what's up?" I ask him, as I continue walking.

"Not much, just wondering if you'd like company" he asks, looking kind of nervous to ask me this.

"I still have to go through data, so I'm not sure if you'd enjoy my company" I giggle, making Daniel smile as well.

"Well, it's either that or being alone, so I'd pick you over being alone any day" he says. I smile widely at him and nod.

"Then sure" I open my room and let Daniel walk in before me. He lets himself fall onto the couch immediately, as I kick off my shoes.

"I'm just gonna change, one sec" I tell Daniel and grab some comfy clothes. I change in the bathroom into pyjama shorts and a tank top. I put my hair up in a high ponytail and make my way back to Daniel. He looks up from the couch and smiles at me.

"Can you work with music?" he asks me, as I grab all the left over data sheets and sit down next to him.

"Yeah, sure" I say and grab my note block. Daniel puts on some soft music and leans back, relaxing. I start to go over the data, taking some important notes. Daniel is just on his phone in the meantime, waiting for me to be done.

I throw down my pen after a while, sighing heavily. Daniel looks at me and smiles.

"Done?" I nod at that and he grins even wider.

"Good, cause I was getting bored" he says. I roll my eyes and sit back, laying my legs over Daniel's lap. He raises his eyebrow at me and I just smile.

Daniel puts his hands on my legs, tracing the thin skin with his finger. I am trying to hide away the goosebumps forming everywhere by his touch.

"Don't you ever get extremely tired by the work you have to do?" Daniel asks softly. I giggle as a response.

"Daniel, I'm constantly tired" I say. Daniel chuckles and nods, his eyes stuck to my legs and his fingers moving over them.

"Are you cold?" I feel myself blushing, he has noticed the goosebumps.

"No, not really" I answer softly, as Daniel's eyes move to look into mine.

"Then why do you have goosebumps?" he asks, while his fingers keep moving. I look down at them and smile softly.

"Cause it feels good" I say, hoping that doesn't sound too weirdly. Daniel grins slightly, looking back at my legs as well.

"Can I ask you something?" Daniel asks me. I nod, not really knowing what he would ask me.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" I frown at that question, but blush slightly as well.

"I don't. Why are you asking?"

"Well, if I'd be your boyfriend, I wouldn't like you sitting with a guy like your sitting here with me" Daniel mumbles, making me frown once more.


"Well, I'm making goosebumps appear on your skin, so I must be doing something right" Daniel looks up to me, a weird look in his eyes. It makes my heart beat faster, making me realize that he does do something right. He is making me nervous.

"It's good that I don't have a boyfriend then" I say to Daniel, causing him to smile and nod.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask Daniel, making him a bit surprised. He looks at me and nods, his eyebrow slightly raised.

"You can go to any girl you want. Walk into town and atleast 20 girls are hanging around your neck. Why do you spend your time with me?" I ask, staring straight into Daniel's eyes. He looks slightly taken aback by my question, but he starts smiling, only slightly.

"Because you make me feel relaxed. I feel like I can be myself around you and that is nice to have, in all the chaos in our world. You're special, Mackenzie" those words make my heart flutter, my cheeks heat up and my hands to get sweaty. Daniel notices the affect he has on me and smiles.

"Maybe I should leave you to get some rest" Daniel says but makes no movement whatsoever. I just look at him, not wanting him to move.

"Maybe" I just mumble. Daniel chuckles and now moves. He puts my legs down and stands up. I follow him up and towards the door, where he turns to look at me. Daniel stares at me for a while, before he leans in and kisses my cheek. I feel my cheeks heating up again and I just look down.

"Goodnight, Mackenzie" Daniel mumbles, opening the hoteldoor.

"Goodnight, Daniel" and with that, he walks away and the door falls shut. I just stay there for a little while, not really understanding what just happened. But I also start to realize the affect Daniel has on me, and I'm not sure if I like being so vunerable.


helloooo :)

Another chapter posted! Next one will be up on Tuesday!


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