Chapter 16

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Touch, make love, taste you
If my body told the truth, baby, I would do

Just what I want to

Body Say - Demi Lovato



Without saying another word, I just wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. Daniel instantly reacts, pulling my body closer to him. He lifts me up, making me wrap my legs around his waist. He throws me onto the bed, laying on top of me.

His hands move my shirt up, not waisting any time. I lift my arms up, for him to take of my shirt. He throws it through the room, attacking my neck with his lips. While he moves all over my neck, I take off his shirt as well.

"Don't even think about being slow today, Dan" I say, grinning at him. His dark eyes are even darker, a grin on his face. His lips attack mine, kissing me with force. He bites my lip, making me part my lips. He deepens the kiss, hands moving all over my body. His hands find their way to my back, unclasping my bra and taking it off my body.

His hands fiddle with the button of my jeans, and I just swat his hands away. I take off my jeans, sliding them down my legs myself. Daniel grins even wider, tracing the skin of my legs with his fingers. Goosebumps appear all over my body, making Daniel grin at me.

"Stop teasing" I mumble, pulling his head back down to mine, kissing him again. Daniel's hand moves down, making me long for him. When I feel that he wants to move over my panties, I stop him.

"Don't tease. Please, Dan" Daniel just nods, moving his hand inside my panties. He moves a finger over my nub, making me whimper. Daniel just kisses my neck, moving his finger in circles. My breathing becomes shaky already, making Daniel grin against my skin. I try to push Daniel's jeans off, while I shake softly. Daniel stops to take of his jeans, but immediately moving back to take off my panties completely. Daniel moves down, spreading my legs apart.

My breath hitches in my throat as his tongue replaces his finger. I let out a soft moan, stimulating Daniel even more. His tongue moves in fast circles over my nub, making me moan out his name, multiple times.

"Dan" I moan, making Daniel look up at me through his lashes. I let my head fall back, feeling it burning in the pit of my stomach. Daniel seems to notice as well, as he now adds a finger. I cry out his name louder, as he pushes me over the edge, making my thighs shake, violently. Daniel quickly pushes away his boxers, moving on top of me.

He looks down at me, pushing into me without a warning.

"DAN!" I shriek, making him chuckle.

"Sorry, forgot" he mumbles, knowing how sensitive I am now, but he ignores it now anyway. He immediately picks up a fast pace, leaning onto his elbows next to my head. I wrap my legs around his waist, my arms around his neck.

"Fuck, Kenz" Daniel moans out, his thrusts deep and hard. I can't help but cry out his name, not even caring if anyone will hear me. Daniel softly moans along with my louder ones. My fingers dig into his shoulder blades, making him hiss slightly.

Daniel lifts my leg higher, hitting me deeper than ever before.

"Jezus, Dan" Daniel's lips move to my neck, but he's breathing to heavily to really kiss it. His lips just move over the skin, his hot breath on it as well.

"Dan, I'm-" I can't even finish my sentence, as Daniel moans and picks up his pace even more. His finger dig into my hips, as my walls clench around him, as I reach my second high of the evening. Daniel moans out my name, as he reaches his as well. He lets his head fall in the crook of my neck, breathing heavily as his body lays down on me completely.

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