Chapter 8

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As I feel myself waking up, I also feel that my head isn't on a pillow. My arm is around something and it makes me open my eyes, slowly. I instantly get a smile on my face, when I realize that I'm laying with Daniel. He is on his back, my head resting on his chest. His arm is holding me against him, while my arm is around him.

I bring my hand up to his chest, softly tracing his skin. His arm tightens around me, letting me know that he is awake. But he isn't saying anything yet, as I keep tracing his skin. I can see goosebumps appearing on his arms, making me grin.

"Good morning" Daniel mumbles, pressing his lips against my head. It makes me press myself more against him, only to have him tighten his grip on my as well.

"Good morning, Daniel" I reply, sounding a bit more awake than Daniel just sounded.

"How'd you sleep?" Daniel asks me, as he moves a hand to my hair, playing with it. That makes me relax even more.

"Better than the last couple of days, much better. You?"

"Like a baby" I smile when he says that. Although I don't know what will happen, I'm enjoying this moment. Because I don't know if it'll ever happen again.

"You know what I'm wondering?" Daniel asks me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"No idea, tell me"

"How I'd never had the courage to just walk up to you and tell you how I felt" I feel my cheeks heating up at his words.

"Because I do really like you, Mackenzie. It wasn't just a drunken move, last night" he mumbles. As if he sensed that I was thinking about that, he starts to admit his feelings.

"I hope you realize that I don't think of that kiss as a mistake, Mackenzie" I look up at him for the first time this morning and she somewhat looks nervous.

"I don't think of it as a mistake either" I just mumble, not really knowing what to say to Daniel now that I'm sober. Daniel starts smiling though.

"I'm glad. I just don't know what to do now. Like what's next?" Daniel asks, frowning slightly.

"Maybe we should just spend some time together before we label anything" Daniel nods his head and smiles.

"Let's do that. For now, what about breakfast?" Daniel asks. I smile, just as I feel my stomach grumbling. Daniel chuckles, moving to sit up right. I just stay down for a bit, just looking at Daniel's back muscles. As if he feels my eyes on him, Daniel turns his head to look down at me.

"Do you want to go down for breakfast or order up?" I sit up now as well, just smiling at Daniel for now. I sigh, feeling as if we probably should just get out of bed.

"Let's go down, see if anyone else is having breakfast" Daniel nods and throws the covers off of himself. It's as he just realizes that this is my room and his stuff isn't here.

"Go, I'll knock on your door in 30 minutes?" Daniel chuckles and nods, pressing his lips against my temple. He just quickly puts on his clothes from last night and leaves me alone in bed. I grab my phone, ignoring all the texts I have and put on some music. I quickly take a shower, making sure I atleast smell alright. After that, I just put on a pair of jeans and a plain, grey shirt. I put my hair up in a messy bun and apply some light make-up, seeing the dark bags under my eyes. After some foundation, concealer and mascara, I feel ready. I grab my phone and room key card and walk out of the room.

I make my way to Daniel's room, which is just a bit further down the hallway. I knock onto Daniel's door, waiting patiently for him to open it. When he does, he's standing there without a shirt on, grinning at me.

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