Chapter 15

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As I walk out of the bathroom in Daniel's room, his eyes immediately move to me, widening. I smile and twirl in front of him.

"Is this good? Or too much?" I ask, trying to hide the fact that I'm insecure about this outfit. Daniel looks at me, from my head to toes. He takes a few steps closer, grabbing onto my hand and twirling me around again. I giggle softly, seeing his grin widening.

"You look absolutely amazing" Daniel says, pulling me into his chest. I smile and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling his face closer to mine. My lips kiss his for a few seconds.

"Well, I feel ready to party" Daniel mumbles as we pull away from each other. I smile at him, before letting him walk out before me.

The party venue isn't far away from the hotel, so after 5 minutes walking, we're there. I just walk in front of Daniel, trying to make it look like we didn't come together.

I spot Max at the bar with James, laughing together. I just walk towards them, hoping Daniel will follow me. I put my hand on Max's shoulder, making him look at me.

"Kenzie!" he yells, pulling me into a hug. I giggle and hug him back.

"Oh hi, mate" Daniel's voice says. Max hugs Daniel as well, as they start talking. I order a drink for myself, while Daniel and Max order a beer.

An hour later and for Daniel, too many beers later, I'm dancing with Anna. She's twirling me around, making me giggle.

"Ladies? Can I have this dance, Mackenzie?" Daniel's low voice asks. Anna frowns but steps away, only to be replaced by Daniel.

"Dan, no one knows about us" I mumble, just as he pulls me closer to him. His hands resting on my waist.

"So? We're just dancing" he mumbles. His Australian accent is even more audiable due to the amount of alcohol in his body. We sway along to the slow beat of the music and I have to admit, this feels good.

Daniel rests his head on top of mine, while his hands keep moving downwards.

"Daniel, hands" I mumble, but he doesn't seem to get it. They now rest on my butt, lightly squeezing.

"Dan!" I shriek, only to make Daniel laugh. I look around, seeing some team members stare at us.

"Dan, I really think-" that's how far I'm gonna get, as Daniel cuts me off by placing his lips against mine. I want to struggle, but his lips feel so good, that I melt into the kiss.

"Let's go to the room" Daniel slurs. I can now clearly see that he is pissed off drunk, more than I originally thought. I just nod at him and lead him out of the party venue.

Once we're back in the hotel room, I help Daniel getting out of his clothes.

"I seriously hope that you wake up with the worst hangover tomorrow, so you won't drink this amount ever again"

"Hmhm. Good night, I love you" I freeze, as I slowly look up at him. His eyes are closed and he's already sleeping. I sigh, getting into bed as well, trying to get some sleep.

My phone ringing wakes me up in the morning. I groan as I answer it.


"Check the story I just send you" Anna's voice sounds and she ends the call before I can reply. I sigh and open the link she had sent me. The first thing I see is a picture.

A girl and a guy are dancing. The guys hands are on her butt and they're kissing, what seems to be passionately. My eyes wander to the headline.

Is Daniel Ricciardo dating his team mate's Race Engineer?

My eyes are wide, as I read the entire article. It's literally every detail about the party. How I was dancing with Anna, but Daniel took over. How we kissed and left right after. How our kiss looked so real.

I get out of bed and quickly get into my clothes. I put my hair up in a pony tail, before quickly writing a note to Daniel that I'm gone and I'll be back soon.

"Mackenzie?" Daniel's voice sounds, before I can even leave.

"Morning, gotta go" he sits up right, frowning. Why doesn't he seem to have a hangover?

"Where are you going?"

"To Anna"

"Why?" I get more pissed off by the minute. I warned him, but he didn't listen.

"Well, because someone had too much to drink last night and that someone got us caught" Daniel frowns, not understand. I walk over to him, showing him my phone. His eyes widen.


"Don't. I warned you, but you ignored me. You had way too much to drink and now we both have a problem. What do you think will happen when Christian finds out? You ruined everything, Daniel" Daniel looks taken aback, scared and sad.

"I didn't mean to. I just wanted to dance with you" his voice is sweet and soft and full with regret. For some reason, that's not enough for me.

"I don't care, Daniel. This is a mess. I am going, don't know when I'll be back" Daniel wants to stop me, but I'm gone before he gets out of bed. I decide not to go to Anna, but to take a run outside, I need to clear my head.

Halfway through my run,  I had turned off my phone. Daniel kept calling and I didn't want to talk over the phone. So now I'm walking up to his room. When I open the door, my heart stops. Christian is sitting there, not looking amused.

"I tried calling you" Daniel mumbles. I nod slowly, eyes fixed on Christian. I have never seen him like this, he looks like he's about to burst.


"Don't. Sit down, I'm gonna talk" I nod quickly, sitting down next to Daniel. He looks at me, hurt.

"Okay, first of all, I can not express how pissed off I am at you two. Not for dating or whatever is going on, but for not telling me when it happened. I mean Daniel, I've known you for a good couple of years now, I had hoped you would feel like trusting me. And Mackenzie, you should've encouraged him, you know me as well. And maybe pissed off isn't the write way to describe it, hurt, that's it. I'm hurt. Now, I need to know exactly what it is that's going on between you two" Daniel looks at me, so I just nod.

"We're together, as in a relationship together" Daniel says.

"For how long?"

"Not that long. Since Monaco" Christian nods.

"I need you to post something on Social Media. This needs to be brought out, by you. I don't care what you post, but you gotta post something" Daniel nods at Christian's words.

"And Mackenzie. You can't stay mad at Daniel. You were just as involved as he was. If you didn't want this to happen, you should've pushed him away" I nod, knowing he's right. Christian just walks away, leaving us in the room.

"I'm so sorry, Kenzie. I know I shouldn't have let it happen, but the truth is, I just wanted to show everyone there what's mine. You're mine and I just wanted people to know that. I know this wasn't the best way, but yeah"

"I'm sorry to, for getting so mad this morning. Christian was right, it was my fault as well"

"You know what usually happens now?" Daniel asks. When I look at him, I can see that grin back on his face. I shake my head, making him grin even wider.

"Make up sex"


So, let me know if I should write that part or skip it! Don't really know what you all would want to read! Xx

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