Chapter 13

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"Can we just astablish that I hate leaving Monaco?" Max moans as he sits down in his seat. I'm next to him on the plane, as we are flying back to Milton Keynes today. Daniel has a meeting today in Monaco, so he's flying tomorrow.

"You're not the only one anymore" I mumble, leaning my head against the headrest of the seat. Max chuckles as he looks at me, shaking his head slowly.

The plane starts to take off and I just sit back, happy about the fact that it's only a 2 hours flight. I couldn't have dealt with anything longer. My mind keeps replaying Daniel giving me a half smile and a kiss before I left a few hours ago.

"So, I'm in the sim tomorrow right?" Max asks, frowning slightly. I nod, looking at him with a frown as well.

"You knew that"

"I know, just thinking about how I don't want too" I giggle, now I'm shaking my head at Max. He blushes and lays his head against the window, closing his eyes. I just stare in front of me, until I fall asleep as well.

After a rough landing at London Heathrow, our luggage taking forever and Max needing to pee right when we wanted to leave, we're finally in a cab. My apartment is close to Max and Daniel's, so we're just sharing a cab.

"I want to apologize once more for this weekend. I let the team and you down" Max mumbles. I look at him and see him looking at me with a sad expression on his face. I shake my head and squeeze his hand.

"You didn't let us down. We're just glad you're okay, Max. Everything will be better in Canada" I tell him. Max nods, having heard me say this a couple of times now. That's mainly because he has been apologizing a couple of times now.

The cab stops in front of Max's apartment and we both get out. I grab my suitcase and wait until the cab is gone. I quickly pull Max in for a hug, before I wave and walk towards my own apartment.

I walk towards my bedroom with my suitcase, dropping it on the floor. I open it and smile when I see what's on top. Daniel's shirt. I quickly change out of my plane clothes and put on a legging and Daniel's shirt. I take off my makeup and put my hair in a messy bun.

I quickly text Daniel that I'm home, as he asked that. I thought it was very cute, him wanting to know when I'm home.

I sit down on the couch, with a cup of coffee in my hand. I decide to use Social Media again, haven't done that in a while, I think. I open my Twitter and take a quick selfie, showing Daniel's shirt.

MackenzieReed : back home, anyone liking my new shirt? ;)

I put my phone down and sit back. Despite not doing anything today, I'm exhausted. I feel like I could sleep for a couple of days. Unfortunately, I can't do that. I have to get up early tomorrow for the simulator session. We're going for a couple of hours, as the team felt like Max should have enough time after his awful weekend in Monaco.

My phone buzzes with messages, mostly from Twitter. I spot one reply that I can't ignore.

danielricciardo : cute ;)

And with that, I put my phone away to sleep.


The Factory is kind of quiet when I get there. Most people who are in, are not around, basically just working in their own places. I sigh heavily, wishing I was still in bed. I'm sitting in the sim room, waiting for Max to arrive. I'm on my phone, texting with Daniel.

Daniel : so, I've been thinking.. do we want the team to know?

Mackenzie : about us?

Race Engineer - Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now