Chapter 7

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I'm standing in front of the mirror, looking at my outfit. I am twirling, debating wether it's too much or just enough. I look at the time and see that I have no time to change, so I just have to deal with this outfit. I quickly take photos for Instagram, as I like posting my outfits whenever I'm not wearing my Red Bull outfit.

mackenziereed : celebration night! gonna be a good one! x

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mackenziereed : celebration night! gonna be a good one! x

Right when I post it, someone knocks on the door. Knowing who it is, my heart rate picks up it's pace. I take a deep breath, before I open the door. Daniel is standing there, wearing black jeans and a white button up shirt. Daniel stares at me for a few seconds, making me feel insecure.

"Is it too much?" I ask him, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"No, you look amazing" Daniel replies, surprising himself with that answer. I smile at him, letting him walk into my room for a second.

"One sec, gotta apply some lipstick and then we can go" Daniel nods and leans against a wall. I put on some light pink lipstick, smiling at myself. I put the lipstick in my purse and take it with me towards Daniel.

"Alright, I'm ready" Daniel smiles and opens the door for me. I walk out with him on my heels. We make our way down to the lobby and out in the Spanish air. Daniel walks very closely next to me, as if he wants to protect me from anyone who can attack me.

With my open back, I feel shivers running through my body.

"Fuck, should've brought a jacket" I mumble, never having realized that it was such a long walk.

"Come here" Daniel says and pulls me towards him, putting an arm around my shoulder. I smile weakly at him, as it's not really working, but he tried.

"We're almost there" Daniel says and points at the building a little further up the street. I just pull Daniel to go faster, which he chuckles at. We make our way inside, Daniel never leaving my side more than a meter. We walk into the big hall, where loud music is playing and a lot of drivers and team members are dancing and drinking.

Daniel leads me towards the bar, ordering drinks for us. He hands me a cocktail and I smile at him. Daniel is drinking a beer, greeting drivers and team members. Few greet me, some drivers still not knowing me.

"Mackenzie!" I look up to see Daniil walking towards me. I smile at him and give him a hug.

"Great drive today!" I tell him, making Daniil grin.

"Thanks. You did well, congrats"

"Thank you! How are you?" I ask, placing my hand on his arm. Daniil smiles and talks to me, while I feel another pair of eyes on me. I quickly glance to my left, to find Daniel staring at me. I try to keep my attention on Daniil, but I'm having a hard time.

"He really likes you, you know" this catches my attention.


"Daniel. He likes you, a lot. When I was still with RB, he kept telling me that he thought you were cute, that you looked beautiful or how he loved watching you laugh" Daniil says. My eyes shift back to Daniel, who is now laughing together with Max now.

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